Danganronpa: WAH (What Actually Happened)

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This epic story was written by 1M_S4D  and co-written by Sharky_girl200 so go check both of them out.

Sorry this took so so long. For some reason, Wattpad was being a b*tch and couldn't let me access the story for a while and I asked Jasper if they didn't anything to it and they said no.

So it was on my end.

Thankfully, I'm able to access it now!

Onto reviewing and appreciating it!

Spoilers behind the lines ~~


So the protag introduces themselves as Chara. Yes the Chara from Undertale.

They wandered around and see people.

There are descriptions of the other people which is honestly described way better than I can do. I can't describe for sh*t!

I'm saying that the descriptions are a compliment.

Also Chara doesn't remember their Ultimate. So they're Chara, Ultimate ???

Here's the rest of the cast

Snow White/Brianna, Ultimate Princess

Murray Hill, Ultimate Double Agent

Natsuki, Ultimate Baker

Ubersam, Ultimate gifted kid

Madeline Hatter, Ultimate Psychic

Vanessa, Ultimate Security guard

Chihiro, Ultimate Programmer (my child!)

Heather, Ultimate TV show contestant

Felix, Ultimate Fisher

Kizana, Ultimate Drama club leader

Katie, Ultimate Imperfection

Clive, Ultimate Notebook

Red, Ultimate Pokémon trainer

Ena, Ultimate Glitch

Mawarine, Ultimate UTAU

Unique cast 9/10

And while everyone was talking, Monokuma appears and gets called fat.

I mean the cover for this book does have a chonky Monokuma.

So he tells them that they are in a killing game, they're like: oh nooooo, and Monokuma is like:

So do I have criticism?

Maybe the pacing. I honestly favor more chapters that expand on the characters before their deaths but that's just a me thing.

If writing shorter chapters is what you're comfortable with, then go right ahead.

Go read it! I highly recommend it!

I'll try and catch up with whatever requests I have. No promises though

Cya in the next one -Flare

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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Multi-Fandom Fanganronpa Appreciation BookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz