Chapter 2: The Scarlet Eyes Act 1

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On a train heading to the country side a man sits quietly in his seat reading his news paper, or more specifically he's looking at what horses are going to be racing.
Thinking about who he thinks will win seems to place the man in his own little world, so much so that he is surprised when he is interrupted in his thoughts by a smooth voice.

"I take it your a gambling man?" This causes the man to quickly look up and see a man and a woman sitting across from him smiling. The man having blonde hair that most would consider beautiful and eyes redder than ruby's, while the woman seemed opposite of the man but just if not more beautiful than him, her hair was the colour of chocolate and just as shiny to might I add and her eyes were not the colour of ruby's but of emeralds. Yes two complete opposites indeed yet they appeared to compliment each other so well.

The gentleman gave them both a confused look causing the man across from him, William, to continue. "Forgive the intrusion, I couldn't help but notice you studying the racing sheet."

The explanation from William caused the gentleman to give a slight blush and a sheepish smile and chuckle. "Me a gambler? I'm a bit more of a dabbler really. My wife well she's always telling me, "if I have enough for the horses, I should replace the wall paper first."" This comment causes both William and Isabella, who is the woman next to William to give the man a closed eye smile wile also making Isabella giggle a little.

"I see, then perhaps I could be of some assistance to you. I may be able to afford you the means to acquire that new wall paper as well as a bouquet of flowers for your wife." When William says these words the man sitting across from them seems rather shocked but intrigued at the proposal from the stranger.

"If I didn't know any better it sounds like your saying you know which horses will win." As though having this entire conversation rehearsed William wastes no time smirking at what the man said to him before replying.

"Once you analyse the data, you can predict the outcome. It's exactly the same as any other game." After finishing his sentence he gives a cute head tilt and closed eyed smile. But at hearing these words it causes Isabella to think back to when she and the man next to her were children and she heard him say these very words to men who were trying their luck with the horses. It brings fond memories to he mind but also tragic and horrific ones to.


London 1866,

In a suburb in London a small group of three men were huddled together looking over a news paper trying to decide which horse they should all bet on in order to try their luck at wining some money. "So then, what about the upcoming Wessons cup?" The man holding the paper suggest to his companions trying to decide on where they should place their bets and at which events they should bet at.

"Which horse to bet on." "May I suggest the one who'll win it." "Right like anyone can know that ahead of time." This was said by the two men looking at the paper over the man in the middles shoulder still all trying to decide who they should bet on.
"John Strikers stead." It was the voice of a child that caused the men to turn to their left and see and young sharply dressed lad and a young lass carrying a small basket of roses. Anyone could tell just by looking at these two that they are nobles just by how they look alone, but the boy's comment causes the men to peruse a conversation with him.

"I said the horse belonging to the trainer John Striker will win he race." Before the men could comment the boy repeats his self so the men in front of him could clearly understand what he meant.
"Oh yeah? And your certain?" The man holding the news paper spoke first. "Nothing life is certain but the odds are favourable." Was the young mans quick and smooth reply.
"You know, somehow, this kid also predicted the winner of the last race." The man standing closest to the children said looking to go into though about how this child was able to predict such a thing.
"Tell me lad, you able to see into the future?" The last man asked with a drunk slur when he said future.

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