Chapter one: The Earls Crime

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A/N: since I haven't been able to read the manga yet this story will follow the anime. Once I've read the full manga series I will either rewrite this story or I will write a seperate story following the manga, you guys can let me know what you would prefer.

Our story isn't about the man who managed to confound the worlds greatest detective no, It's about the woman who caused his and many others fates to be sealed in an obsession worse than anything she could've imagined. She was known as. Isabella James Moriarty.

Night time in the streets of London, and a young boy is running through the streets and allies trying to run from something truely horrifying especially in the eyes of a child; DEATH... this boy runs and runs until he trips causing him to drop his bag full of what looks to be supplies that a tailor would use. He gets up and abandons his supplies favouring to live another day rather than get caught by his potential capture. He runs into another ally and quickly hides behind a crate in order to catch his breath. With shaky and heavy breathing he quickly peaks around the crate to see if he can spot the chaser, seeing nothing he starts to think that he is safe, until he hears a noise behind him. He gives a small scream before the one chasing him finally catches him.
The boy wakes up a short time later gagged and tied to a small wooden chair, as he whimpers in fear and lightning strikes, he sees the silhouettes of two men one is the man who captured him and the other he can't make out as well, but what he can see is his disgusting Cheshire smile. And that smile was the last thing that the boy saw ever again.
Morning at the Moriarty Estate in London:
"Now there's been a seventh victim. "The towns folk tremble in the face of this assailant." Thoughts?" A man reading his morning news paper says with a small smirk on his face as he is served tea from another man in the room with him and as a young woman sips her own freshly served tea.
"A dreadful affair William, simply awful." The man serving tea, Louis, says to his brother William.
"Yes truely horrifying." The sweet voice of the young woman says as she gets a chill down her spine at the thought of the murders that have been taking place as of late.
"Indeed, they target young boys for their amusement, and afterwards slaughter them." William says his smirk gone from his face now looking much more serious.
Louis and the Woman Isabella both share a serious look one more gentle than the other, "It's hard to believe that a human could do such a thing." Louis said first spitting out the word human like he'd just eaten something sour and couldn't stand the taste of it.
William who still looked serious suddenly smiled at the two before saying, "Most people don't want to think a man capable of this, its a natural response."
"With culprit still at large, the public grows dissatisfied with law enforcement." William then read off the paper.
"According to this there are no clues for the police too follow." Louis said as he read over his brothers shoulder Causing Isabella to lean over her chair to try and look at the paper to.
"Oh but there are clues." This statement caused Isabella and Louis to look at the older blonde man in slight shock and amazement before allowing him to continue.
"Some within this very article." William quickly placed the paper on the small table in front of him so that he and the other two could see the paper and so he could make his point better.
"Looking at the child victims and the occupations of the their parents, do you notice the emergence of a pattern?" William began to go into his full detective mode.
"We have a clock smith, a Hatter, a Jeweller, a Horse keeper and a tailor." Louis said trying to figure out the pattern his brother seems to see.
"And whilst the father of the latest victims business is unknown the deceased was a messenger boy." Isabella to was trying to figure out the pattern.
Again with a more serious look William says, "People aren't taken in by the things outside of their view, most of us tend to cove up what we've seen." This statement caused Louis and Isabella to Look up at William with slight confusion.
"For example, the omelettes you make are exquisite, even when I'm working in the field they are the first thing I crave when hunger sets in." William says this causing Isabella to nod and say. "He's not wrong, when you both have to leave for days at a time and I'm left here alone your omelettes are the things that I wish to have first thing in the morning." Both of these statements cause Louis to blush slightly not expecting the compliments.
"Really? I'm touched." Both give Louis a loving smile before William keeps talking.
"Now look there." He instructs them to look up at a painting that they have hanging on the wall of people from another country.
"There are people across the globe that likely have no knowledge that a dish called an omelette even exists, nor do I suspect that they'd have the appetite for one...
Those occupations you listed, the one element they all share is that they frequently find themselves in the service of nobles and aristocrat's."
At hearing those last words both Isabella and Louis once again share surprised look wondering how they didn't see it.
"When a Nobel man purchases meat, he'll send a servant to the butchers shop, before ever going himself, that said..."
"He will visit shops to purchase jewellery and clothing, even the stables, because he has to board his carriage there."
"Naturally, providing opportunities to encounter members of their families. It's not unusual for a shop keepers son to serve as an apprentice for his fathers business."
"Nor would it be unusual to encounter messenger boys at prestigious clubs."
"Indeed whoever the murderer is, he never has to wonder far to find his next victim. He's successfully fed his appetite on those he comes across within his social sphere."
"We covet what we see everyday."
"Had it been a few victims a coincidence would've been feasible, not now. After five bodies his motive has become all to apparent.
"You mean?"
"I think it's about time we involved ourselves in this case Louis."
After hearing those words Isabella looked back at the paper and finally spoke up, "It's odd, there is one victim that doesn't fit the profile, an orphan who slept on the streets what of him?"
William without looking at her said, "that is odd, Nobel men and orphans, two positions in society that couldn't be further apart. But they met. The out layer might just provide us with the clue we need."
After this conversation they all finish their breakfast and William and Louis are about to leave the room when they both notice Isabella not moving from where she was seated. The brothers looked at each other and Louis decided he would let his big brother talk to her this time and left the room quietly.
William approached Isabella quietly as to not disrupt her from her train of thought and just stared at her for a couple of seconds before softly placing his hand on her shoulder. Even though he knew this would slightly startle her he still felt slightly bad when she gave a small gasp and jump, but overall he was more amused by her cute reaction.
"A penny for your thoughts Dear Isabella?" This was the question he asked her causing her to blush at the name he called her.
Swallowing the slight fear of asking him this question she asked him, "would you allow me to accompany you on this mission?"
William, a man who can never be really surprised because he'd be able to deduce the surprise before it would happen, was actually shocked at this question as Isabella had never in the years that he'd been a Crime Consultant asked to join him when he goes on a mission, and he'd honestly preferred it this way and so had his brothers as they didn't want her to have to see more horrors than she already had in her life and they didn't want her to be in danger or to potentially have to take a life herself. They didn't want her to be tainted because if that were to happen they were all worried she would never forgive herself.
But when looking at her big green pleading eyes William just couldn't say no to her.
So with a big reluctant sigh he told her. "You can come but ONLY for when I go to question people about the murders but you are to stay close to me or I will have Louis bring you home immediately."
Isabella being prepared for the worse case scenario began to beg, "Oh please William! You know I never ask you for much and you boys never let me leave the house unless it's for wor- Oh!.. wait did you just say yes?"
William gave her a soft and patient smile, "Yes dearest I did. Now if you are to accompany me you should go get ready!"
Giving him a beautiful and innocent smile, Isabella leaned over quickly to give William a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you so much brother, I promise I won't let you down!" Before quickly exiting the room to go get ready for the day, now leaving William alone in the room.
Placing a hand on his cheek and giving a small almost sadistic smirk he whispered, "Be careful darling if you keep seeing me as nothing more than just your brother than I'll have to force you to see otherwise." He than proceeds to go to his own respective room to get ready for his mission.
At a centre of an area well know to most when young and old commoners come to scrape up some coins from the nobles, a young boy is playing, and not very well mind you, an accordion, but his efforts seemed to be in vain as he is ignored by the rich folk around him. Slowly becoming exhausted he collapses against the statue behind him in frustration.
When all of a sudden he hears a coin drop into his money cup, quickly checking his cup to make sure he isn't dreaming, he see's a shiny silver coin in his old rusty mug. He's swallows his spit in disbelief before looking up at the person who took pity on him to thank them quickly only to see what he thought was a young Nobel couple. The man with blonde hair and red eyes dressed in a causal attire for a Nobel and the woman with brown hair and green eyes wearing a lovely light blue and white dress both wearing a hat that matched their outfits respectively.
The man then held up another silver coin while smiling and saying to the lad, "If you have a moment, I'd like to have a word." He than waved the coin around practically teasing the poor boy into talking to them, "If you don't mind of course." Isabella smiled at the boy before nudging William slightly.
William and Isabella had taken the boy to a small pub where the boy would be allowed to eat and bought him a full plate of mini mince pies, mostly because Isabella heard his stomach grumble and wanted to make sure this boy could at least get a decent meal with the information he was giving them as well as the two coins.
So the boy was stuffing his face while Isabella gave him a patient and gentle smile while William stared at her subtly, "sorry for how I'm lacking any table manners sir and mam, so what is it you wanted to ask me?" Isabella gave the boy a bigger smile than before and quickly went to get the boy a drink so he could have something to wash the food down with while William talked to him as she saw the look William was giving her, even if he didn't realise he was giving her the look and her brothers gave her when they didn't want her to hear anything, and she knew she was already pushing her luck with him by having him bring her with him on this mission. She mostly just didn't want him or their brothers to be mad at her so she tried to respect their wishes to keep her "safe".
When she returned to the table she saw William just about ready to leave so she gave the young lad his drink along with a few extra coins for his troubles. Then both William and herself began to head to a new location. "Where are we headed Will?" Isabella asked him with a slight head tilt.
"Just two streets down to where the homeless boy was murdered." William told her with his usual gentle tone.

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