The thought of meeting the younger quickly and living together with him forever, was what made him work hard everyday.

Their relationship, though long distance has grown such strong that they can barely go one day without video calling.

And finally the day was here, Wooyoung was coming back and San just couldn't wait to hold the younger in his arms. There were many times though, where he wanted to go and meet Wooyoung in Canada so bad, but he always stopped himself. He needed to wait and he did.

Jongho, on the other hand, was the most famous graphic engineer and right now was working on the Korea's biggest project of bridge tower. As for his relationship with Yeosang, they did start good and everything was perfect but due to Jongho's busy schedule they barely got to talk once a week. And so, Jongho has no idea the younger's coming back.

Won-su after graduation took over his dad's company with San, but later on San announced that he'll be setting up his own company. Won-su alone handled his father's company. It's been 2 years now that he's dating Sooyoung.

Sooyoung followed Wooyoung's steps and is now in Canada and in the same University as Wooyoung.


"It's so sad that we're not in the same hospital" Wooyoung gave his bestfriend a pout as they walked out of the arrival section. Yeosang hummed returning him the pout. "It's fine woo, we'll be in Seoul atleast." He assured his friend.

Both the boys walked out, Wooyoung's heartbeat increasing with every step. He can't wait to hug and kiss his boyfriend again after 3 years. "Jongho doesn't know yet?" He questioned his friend and the now black haired boy shook his head with a cheeky smile. "It'll be a surprise for him." He answered and Wooyoung teased him a little.

Finally walking out to the main lounge, Wooyoung searched for the particular sharp feature face in the crowd, but what he saw was a little different. The crowd wasn't particularly like a crowd. It was like an aisle made by people standing opposite to each other.

Wooyoung turned to his friend, confusion all over his face. Yeosang shrugged and they both carefully walked forward. The people standing around smiled at them. Crossing the small aisle, Wooyoung stood in a circle made by rose petals on the floor. He glanced around to see his boyfriend walking towards him, his smile returning back.

"San!" He called out, running to hug the latter. San moved back, a playful smile on his face. The younger stared at him in confusion. San forwarded his hand for the younger to take and he did, the elder walked him back into the circle of rose petals.  "Wooyoung" he called out, the younger staring at him in confusion, until San was kneeling on his one knee. A small box in his hand as he opened it.

"Will you marry me?"

The younger gasped, not believing his eyes, tears flowing. He nodded, covering his face as he sniffled. "Words?" San questioned in his soft tone. Wooyoung chucked, "yes yes yes" he squealed and hugged his boyfriend. San hugged the younger back, blinking his tears away. Everyone else present there clapped. Yeosang clapped the loudest, as he got teary eyed at the beautiful scene.

San broke the hug and planted a kiss on Wooyoung's forehead. "I love you"

"I love you too Wooyoung" San replied him and made him wear the ring, kissing his hand as the younger blushed. San turned towards the crowd. "Thank you everyone who helped me. I'm going to get married to the love of my life" he called and everyone cheered once again.

"Let's go home" San spoke and motioned Yeosang to join too as they walked towards the car. The whole ride, both the boyfriend's sat with their hands interwined and Wooyoung couldn't help but stare at the ring and then at San as he smiled lovingly.

"I'll drop you at Jongho's, he's got a free day today. He might be sleeping though" San spoke to Yeosang and the latter thought for a moment. "It's ok, drop me at his. I'll take his sleep away" Yeosang whistled and the other two laughed.

"See you later Woo" Yeosang waved and walked towards the building his boyfriend's apartment is. Floor 15 room 1504? Was what Yeosang remembered. On reaching the said room he rang the bell and waited for Jongho to open, his heart beating like crazy.


Yeosang's smile faltered a little, "h-hongjoong hyung?" He questioned.

"Oh my god, Yeosang it's been years. How are you? How come you're here? Come in?" The elder asked excitedly seeing the latter at his door.

"Who is it babe?"

Yeosang heard the voice coming from inside, and it was not Jongho but-

"Oh hwa, it's Yeosang. Do you remember him from uni? My junior"

The eldest walked to the door and gave a small nod, eyeing the younger. "I think there's a problem hyung, I actually came to visit Jongho. Do you remember him?" Yeosang asked a little embarassed that he reached the wrong address.

"Oh it's like that. Yes I do. That's Jongho's apartment." Hongjoong pointed at the door opposite to his. Yeosang saw the number. 1506. He smiled and bowed towards the two elders. "Sorry to disturb you. It was nice meeting you" he spoke and walked towards Jongho's room.

"Let's meet for a coffee someday" Hongjoong called out and Yeosang nodded, now ringing Jongho's doorbell. "Coming" he heard a faint voice.

Blush quickly creeping up his cheeks at the voice he missed so much. A few seconds later Jongho opened the door to find Yeosang. "Surprise" he whispered and Jongho gasped, rubbing his eyes and pinching his cheeks as if to check if he was dreaming.


"Yes idiot" Yeosang chuckled and threw himself onto Jongho, the stronger male quickly caught him in an embrace. "I missed you" Yeosang mumbled.

Jongho still couldn't believe that the elder is here. Yeosang broke the hug to giggle at the younger's expressions. "I'm actually here" he stated and pecked the younger's lips.

Jongho smiled, "i missed you so much" he stated and once again hugged the elder.


"San slow down. Let's atleast enter-" Wooyoung was cut off by San's lips placed over his. The boy pulled his body closer to his own. Lips moving to taste every inch of the latter's lips. Still kissing they both walked towards the door of San's apartment, entering and closing the door behind them.

San pinned Wooyoung to the door and still kissed him passionately, pulling him closer. "I missed you so much baby" San mubled over his lips. Wooyoung pecked the latter's lips. "I missed you too" he smiled and they were making out again, against the door, the kitchen counter, the bedroom door, the bed.

____________The End____________

Hello everybodyone!

The story now comes to an end. But there's still an epilogue So I hope you'll look forward to it.

Thank you for reading this book. This is the third woosan book I've completed.

Thank you so much for giving it all the love you've given. I just wanted to write what i imagined and it was so good to be able to do that.

Stay safe and healthy and happy ❤️

I'm you, you're me, we're not apart!

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