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3rd person pov

Wooyoung walked along the corridor with a shy smile. Yeosang would glance at him from time to time. He so wanted to ask Wooyoung what was up for him to smile like a boy who just talked to his crush, but he was waiting for Wooyoung to tell him on his own.

Both the boys made their way to their first class and took the usual seat at the front right. "woo, I-" Yeosang started but then was cut by one of their classmates calling out Wooyoung.

"I was wondering if you have notes for unit 3. I'm stuck man" the guy named Hansoo, asked Wooyoung. Wooyoung nodded and took his notes to give it to him. Hansoo quickly clicked the pictures and went away to his seat, saying a small thanks to Wooyoung.

"Gosh, it's exam season again" Yeosang sighed as he took out his notes. Not like he hated exams, neither did he like obviously, because who does? It's just that when exams near, people from their class just comes to Wooyoung and act all friendly and then take his notes. Wooyoung was stupid enough to give them.

And it definitely is good to help them but then these people actually won't write or make notes of their own, the whole semester they'll play around and bunk classes and then at the end of the semester, they'll run behind Wooyoung and also sometimes Yeosang.

"Can't believe time passed so quick" Wooyoung mumbled and Yeosang nodded, "in 4 months we'll be in Canada?" Yeosang questioned not believing that he had almost completed his half medcial degree so quick.

Wooyoung nodded with a sad smile, he definitely will miss this university. It has given a lot of memories, good, sad and much more. And at the end a boyfriend as well.

The once sad smile turned into a shy blush. "What happened?" Yeosang asked at the younger's sudden change of expression and Wooyoung shook his head. "Yeo, there's something I need to tell you. But not now, later" he spoke and Yeosang gave him a pout, eager to know, but then he still waited.


"Is it all okay there"

Jongho questioned through the line as San held the phone over his ear. "Yes, he's in surgery now. I'll inform you later" San stated and hung up the call. He walked back to the door of the Operation Theatre, to check on the process from the small window on the door.

Sighing he walked back and sat at the benches available. He glanced at his stepmother and her son sitting exactly opposite to him as the woman sobbed. "It's all because of his stupid stubbornness" she sobbed and gave San a hateful gaze. "It's all because of you" she yelled and Won-su quickly tried to calm her.

"Mom please, just calm down. It has nothing to do with him" he tried to explain her, but was pushed aside by her. "Nothing to do with him? My husband is in that room because of him!!" She yelled again pointing at San.

San sighed and got up from his seat and walked out not being able to take all of the woman's bullshit.

Yes, San's dad was here in the emergency unit because he got in an accident, driving towards San University to get some sense into the boy's brain. Andvhis stepmother couldn't stop how it was because the man was behind San to take over the company when San never wanted to.

His stepmother just wants the company to be given to Won-su, that is, when San doesn't even want it. And it was totally fine with him, but again his dad was just too stubborn. He hated this everyday thing.

His mobile buzzed taking his attention away, at the notification a small smile spread over his face. It was Wooyoung who had messaged him.

Jongho told me what happened.
Can I come visit?

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