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3rd person pov

Wooyoung proudly walked around his campus, showing the building to his brother who just joined University. Wooyoung was a medical student in his 3rd year.

"This place is so cool hyung" his brother, Sooyoung, complimented the area looking around with happy eyes.

Wooyoung smiled at his brother, "yes it definitely is. Now let me drop you to your dorm c'mon" he spoke guiding him once again. Telling him how his dorm was inside the campus while for first year students it was outside.

Reaching the dorm, they checked whether Sooyoung's roomate has arrived and yes, there was lean boy, a little taller than Sooyoung standing in the room.

"Hey, I'm Jung Sooyoung, your roommate" Sooyoung introduced himself and the other guy nodded. "Im Lee Won-su, nice to meet you" the latter replied and continued doing his work.

"So I'll leave you for the rest and will see you tomorrow. Also, stay away from trouble" Wooyoung spoke glancing at his brother's roomate and then back at him. He waved at him and walked out.

He walked to his first class and before that he stopped by his locker to take the books for the next class. He heard a loud thud and chocked cries, so glancing at the other side of the locker, he noticed the same usual group of student bullying the juniors.

Sighing and closing his locker he made his way to the class and met his friend Yeosang as he waved at him. "How did Soo like this place" Yeosang questioned and Wooyoung just shrugged. "Just fine I guess, he's not into all this. He's a fucking nerd" Wooyoung laughed and the teacher entered so he focused.

|At Lunch|

"There goes Choi San"

Yeosang spoke and Wooyoung turned back to look at the person, trying to scare some juniors away.

This was Choi San, a 3rd year engineering student and a bully who picks on juniors and bullies them. Like it matters to Wooyoung, he has always stayed away from trouble.

He shook his head, turning to the front and eating his lunch. "Yo, we got practicals today. Im not gonna eat or else I'll puke" Yeosang shook his head watching Wooyoung finish his lunch.

They both stood up and walked out of the cafeteria when Wooyoung went to floor after stumbling. He looked up to see, Choi San. "Sorry my bad" the latter replied walking out. It was definitely by mistake but Choi San accepting it and even apologizing? That's new, but knowing better than to question Wooyoung quickly stood up and threw his waste away and walked to the practicals.

"You good?" Yeosang questioned and he nodded. "Choi San is so intimidating" he added and Wooyoung shrugged, "he's whatever. Now come here and name this"

They worked on their practical as Yeosang tried not to puke looking at the disgusting things in front of them.

(I don't know much tho. Im a maths student lmao)


"Is your anger all cool?" Jongho questioned, chuckling as he sat next to San on one the bleachers outside in the sports area.

San just scoffed. "I swear these juniors are the worst. Like, they don't even listen even after 5 punches can you imagine?" He questioned.

"Take it easy buddy. They just don't know you yet" Jongho replied and San just shook his head.

"Also, what was the name of the guy I accidentally pushed? The medical one" He questioned Jongho and he shrugged telling him he has no idea. San stared at the distance, the face of the medical student coming in front of his eyes.

|Next day|

"Hyung~" Sooyoung chimed as he walked in the cafeteria. Wooyoung turned to look at his brother and waved at him to come sit.

"Hey" Yeosang greeted the younger and he gave him a smile, greeting back his brother's bestfriend.

"Hyung" Sooyoung called out and Wooyoung turned to him. "Who is Choi San?" He questioned and Wooyoung simply shrugged. "Why do you want to know?" Yeosang questioned.

"I don't know why everyone is talking how we should stay from him"

Wooyoung clicked his tongue, "just leave all that and yes stay away from troubles which includes him. He's not all that though, he's just an Engineering student in his third year also your direct senior who bullies his juniors." He informed his brother and the guy simply nodded.


Dropping his brother to class, because he's new and doesn't know his way around, Wooyoung walked to his own. He was quite good at studies and so was a little popular at his faculty, to ask notes when exams near and being the nice guy, he literally distributed his notes.

"Look there" Wooyoung heard Yeosang and then turned his gaze to look where he pointed. Outside the window, same scene. Choi San bullying a junior as usual as he punched the guy.

As if Wooyoung was the one who got hit he scrunched his nose and hissed. And as if San could feel his eyes, he tilted his head to have direct eye contact with Wooyoung.

The younger quickly looked away, trying to focus more on his notes. He won't admit but he's scared of Choi San like any other student in this university.

Once done with half of the class, Yeosang and Wooyoung walked towards the cafeteria ready to have lunch and excited to ask Sooyoung about his frist day.

"Dude how can you even eat after anatomy. I could never" Yeosang whined and decided he would only have bread and maybe flavored milk. Wooyoung just chuckled at his friend.

Entering the cafeteria, they noticed the crowd at a corner and how much ever Wooyoung wanted to ignore, he just couldn't because he could swear he heard someone familiar.

"What did your brother say huh?" They heard San speak and a loud bang after that. Whoever this guy was bullying, landed on his knees whincing.

"That you're a trouble and I should stay away."

Wooyoung heard Sooyoung's voice and quickly ran through the crowd, only to see San kick his brother in the stomach and the boy dropped to the floor, crying, clutching his stomache.

"Sooyoung" Wooyoung mumbled and ran to his brother. Watching as someone disturbed his 'talk' with the junior, San got pissed and pulled Wooyoung by his collar.

"And who the fuck says you can co-" San stopped mid track, coming face to face with the medical student who has kept him curious all day.

Taking a glance at the lab coat he called out the name, "Jung Wooyoung"

Wooyoung pulled back from the latter's grip but it only got tighter and San pulled him towards him.

And before San could come out of his trance, he was shot a punch by Wooyoung, making him stumble and whince a little. Everyone gasped, no one ever stood against San.

"Touch my brother again and you're a dead meat" Wooyoung growled loudly and San only chuckled again standing infront of Wooyoung.

He smirked looking at the latters hand, which were formed in a fist and it became red. "I'll make sure to return you these bruises" his smirk grew and he walked away with Jongho.

Atleast he knows the latters name,

Jung Wooyoung!


Sooooo i decided to publish it. I Just couldn't wait😤😤😤

But might update in two or three days, cuz I'll focus more on the other ongoing fic😚 but I'll still update.

Also i won't be adding (m or M) on mature? chapters!

I'm you, you're me, we're not apart!

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