Chapter 9

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It's Tuesday, a Tuesday morning. What does this have to do with anything? Don't know. But again you're bored. Like everyday.

You were trying to hang out with Soda yesterday considering he had a day off, (Early leave today). He was sleeping in first so you didn't mind it but then whatever the fuck happened and you went to Buck's.

Now you woke up with a headache. You barely drank yesterday so who knows where it came from.

You just decided to go in your backyard.
Your backyard has this one tree, a tree you always liked to climb when you were upset or just wanted to hang out. Once you fell out from it, you don't remember what you broke but you know you were having fun and didn't care.

You proceeded to climb the tree, "Man, I haven't been up here in a while, huh?" You told yourself. You sat on a thick.. branch thing.

It was enough so you could sit and not break the tree.
Convienently you had both a smoke and a lighter.
You started debating on if you really wanted to go to work early, you wouldn't get paid for the hours but you don't really need money anyway.

And then you realized something completely unrelated.
The makeup thing with Dallas, right?
Painting Soda's nails, right?
Are they gonna do something back? You don't usually get off the hook with no return.
Now you really don't wanna get down from the tree. You do not wanna see what will happen.
Then again, you kinda do. What will they do? Make you look like a clown with red nailpolish? Maybe. Or somehow you'd be let off the hook. Or maybe you'd get forced to wear one of Two's dumb Mickey shirts. You didn't really like them, so considering they all know that.. yeah. It isn't too bad against makeup or nailpolish.


It was the shirt.
One of the most weirdest Mickey shirts.
"I hate you three." You were pinching the top of your nose. "C'mon, you're fine." Two-Bit told you while Sodapop was still laughing. You saw Two elbow Dallas for him to say something, but he just stared. Until, y'know, he snapped out of it and, "I, uh, yeah you look good. I mean tuff. Yeah, tuff."
Soda laughed even harder at Dally's comment. "Soda you're trying to mess with me aren't you--you can't be laughing that hard over this," you got up and started shaking Sodapop back and forth until he pushed you down, as this was happening you heard Two-Bit say quietly, "Dal, what was that?" Dallas responding, "Look- look- I was just out of it alright you caught me off guard---" "Out of it??! You were staring directly at him, you gotta step up your game bucko." You didn't hear anything after Two-Bit, considering you started a small fight with Soda.

The fight wasn't even a fight, he just grabbed you and started fluffing up your hair. You were smiling, your original mood from the shirt vanishing.
The shirt. "When can I take off this abomination?" You joked. "Whenever you want, really." Soda told you, and you immediately took it off. "Did you hide my tee?" You looked down trying to find it. "No, well sorta. Dally took it." Two answered.
"Yeah? Where's he then?" Soda looked at the other.
"Oh, I dunno," Two looked at where Dallas was supposed to be. "Atleast he dropped the shirt." He continued to throw the t-shirt at you. You put it on,
"I'm proud of myself for guessing y'all would do this." You were looking down unfolding the bottom of your T-shirt. "And how'd you know we'd do that?" Soda looked at you. "Dunno, I was in the tree when I thought of it. I swear, that tree always somehow makes me smarter." You looked back up to Soda staring you directly in the eyes for about no reason.
You walked out of Two's room, not breaking eye contact as you saw this as a little game. Soda followed after you. "You wanna come over at our's?" Soda offered Two while breaking eye contact. "Nah, I'm staying home tonight, see you both later." You said your goodbyes back and off to home.

"That felt like a quick visit. Don't you think we should've stayed a while?" You asked Soda. "It wasn't quick--Y/N, you weren't the one forcing someone into a mickey shirt." Soda said back. "Maybe if it wasn't that one it would've been easier. I might've even worn it for the whole day."
"You would?"
"..No. No I wouldn't. Oh, uh, do you have an idea where Dally went? He doesn't usually run off like that." You questioned a bit more serious this time.
"I dunno. Why? You don't usually care where he goes." He answered.
"No reason. And-and what if I started getting used to him? You wouldn't know!" You elbowed Soda in the arm.
"Wooww. Y/N's getting used to people now?"
"Oh shut it." You smacked him on the shoulder.
"Stop attacking my arm and maybe I would."


Back home, you were in the kitchen looking for something. You don't know what, just something.
Dallas had came home. Well, your home. You just decided on getting cake.
"We're out of cake."
"..Are you willing to go out n' go to the shop with me?"
"Great." You walked out the kitchen to grab your jacket.

"I can go with you if you're that scared." Dallas teased you.
"Trap it, Winston. I'll see you in a bit Soda." You told Soda while leaving. And off you started walking.

While you were in the shop, you were looking for the average cake any Curtis family member would want, you started hearing footsteps behind you.
You looked behind you, hand in-motion to bring out your blade (Socs, you try to be ready) and to a little of your surprise, "How'd you find me?"
"Y/N, this shop is not that secret." Dallas told you.
"I mean--why are you here?" You squinted at him. "Because I just can. I have legs, I wanna use 'em." Dallas shrugged.
"Uh-huh. Good for you." You turned back to the cakes, and you found the one you were looking for.

"Are you coming back with?" You turned fully to Dallas, cake in-hand.
"Sure, since you offered."
"I didn't--nevermind. C'mon." You walked past him to the cashier, you paid. For some reason Dallas was behind you, and in your hurry you bumped into him.
"Watch how close you stand next to me, jeez." You pushed him with your elbow. "Rude." He commented back, most likely joking with you.

"Yeah, whatever." You pushed open the doors to leave the shop, Dallas followed. Soon you were home, surprisingly no Socs no nothing. Dallas opened the door for you and you walked inside of your house, saying a quick, "Thanks." and walked to the kitchen counter quickly, placing the cake down you went back to the door. You took off your jacket n' shoes. "What was the hurry for anyway?" Dallas asked you while sitting on the couch. "I don't want another doctor visit." You answered, calmer than from the store.

You sat next to Dallas on the couch, just laying your head back on the edge. You heard someone walking out into the living room, it was Ponyboy.
"Pony, where's Soda?"
"In his room. Why?"
"No reason." You looked infront of you, then to Dallas, then back infront of you. Dallas was just sitting looking away from you.

Pony sat on the armchair, with a book. He didn't really do much other than that and go to the movies with Johnny, maybe others sometimes too. You started thinking about going to the movies with him tonight, or maybe tomorrow. You felt tired, if you went tonight you'd fall asleep during the movie most likely.
"You wanna go to the movies tomorrow, Ponyman?" You asked.
"Uh. Sure.. where did "Ponyman" come from?" Ponyboy confuse-smiled.
"I do not know." You said with small pauses in-between.

You looked at the clock, 8:36pm. Makes sense, Pony's awake and Soda isn't. He goes to bed so early for no reason. Maybe it ain't a early leave tomorrow? Whatever.

New topic to think about, the weird way Dallas acted at Two's.
That was really it. Except for the fact he basically disappeared after you were gonna change out into your normal shirt.
..And the 'step up your game' part. What's that mean?

It doesn't make that much sense, really. But it also doesn't matter too much.
You remembered you're sitting next to Dallas after you had come back to reality, and somehow, he hasn't spoke a word to you to interrupt your thoughts.
You looked over, he was sleeping, you think. You didn't care, you'll just go sit on the floor to leave him the couch.
Well, you would've, if his head didn't fall to your shoulder.

Normally, you would hate this and shove him off of you. Right now, you didn't care. You thought that was weird, not too much to overthink about though.
You noticed Pony looking up and raising his eyebrows slightly before looking back to his book.
"What were you looking at me for like that?" You whispered over to him.
"Nothing." He whispered back, you rolled your eyes and started thinking again.
Aside from you not caring Dallas sleeping(?) on your shoulder, it felt weird. Weird in general for him to be on your shoulder. Usually he's the one sleeped on by the others, they joke about him being a good pillow.

You kinda wanted to go sleep on a bed, so you forced yourself to stand up. "Pony, you get yourself to bed too. I'm gonna get Dallas a blanket or something." You whispered poking Pony on the arm to annoy him.

"Yeah, fine." He closed the book and stood up almost immediately. You watched him walk away as you walked over to the cabnet thing with blankets inside. You took one and carefully laid it on Dallas, he wasn't sleeping right but he'll move anyway.
You stood for a second then left him to go to your room.
You changed out into some sleep-worthy clothes and got ready for bed quickly.

You went over to Ponyboy's room and told him a goodnight before going to your own room and officially calling it a night.


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