Chapter 2: Unfamiliar Territory

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Y/N Pov:

Finally, winter break. I can do whatever I want for the week because my parents went out for the time being. They wanted to go to my mom's best friend's wedding but I didn't want to go, so they left me here with a balance of $150.

It was about 12:35 when I woke up, so I went downstairs to go eat something. I decided on some good 'ol lucky charms to start the day. I sat down and turned on the T.V. I flipped through the channels and stopped on "Gravity Falls" one of my favorite childhood shows. I realized that I had used the last of the milk so, after I had finished my breakfast and this episode, I was going to head down to the store.

When the episode ended, I put on my jacket, my "STAY WEIRD" beanie, and a scarf. Grabbing my wallet chain and strapping it to my jeans, I head out the door and took my phone out with me. Walking down the snow blanketed streets of my neighborhood, I decided to go for short detour walk before I went to the store, I always liked the snow, it always brought me a form of happiness when the snow fell from the sky, every time it brought me comfort.

I finally reached the store, walking in and hearing the bell chime, I see one of my school friends, her name is Alexandria Rathburn. She's an Emo girl with black hair flipped to one side, black ripped jeans, chain wallet like mine, black jacket with fishnet stockings and fish net arm wraps.

For a while I had a hard crush on her and even confessed, but she had rejected me but, we had become friends instead because of it. As I walk in, her sulking slouch perks up as she sits up and haunches over the counter.

Alexandria:"Well well well, look what the fucking horndog dragged in." She says with a snicker and smirk.

Y/N:"Hello to you too Alex, you fucking slut." I respond with my own smirk.

Alexandria:"Hey! I'm a whore, not a slut, get it right bitch." She says with that still evident smile.

Y/N:"How are you doing? How's the new boy toy?"

Alex:"Hey, don't be talking about my boy toy like that! Only I can say that. He's doing alright, finally got enough courage to try second base."

Y/N:"Aw maan, I was planning on doing that." I say with a bit of flirtatious sarcasm.

Alexandria:"Like you had a chance pal."

Y/N:"Ouch." Damn.

After that little chat, I go around the store, picking up what I needed and what I wanted.

Milk, yup.
Monster, check.
Toothpaste, got it.
Condoms: Extra large, fuck yeah.

With all the things I need, I head to the front, back to Alexandria.

Alexandria:" Yup, yup, yup... Hold up... The fuck are these doing here?"

Y/N:"What?" I ask innocently.

Alexandria:"Don't bullshit me pal, you think I wouldn't notice these? Who's the lucky girl?"

Y/N:"No one... Yet. I'm just preparing myself for when I do get some juice."

Alexandria:"Aw, and here I was hoping I'd get lucky tonight ;) ."

Y/N:"Ha. Ha. Don't get your hopes up."

Alex starts bagging my items and I start to leave.

Alexandria:"See ya around, bitch ass."

Y/N:"You too, whore."

Alexandria:"Hahaha, fuck you too."

Me:"You know you would!" With that, I left the store. As I walk out I could hear her giggling at me, and I chuckle to myself. Walking outside, a few cars pass me by, what I didn't know was that some of the snow on the curb wasn't snow, it was slush, and a jackass driver floored it and covered me In water and slush. God damnit.

As I very audibly swear at the driver, I failed to realize sounds coming from behind me. Walking backwards, flipping the car off as it drove away, my foot kicked a glass bottle. Looking away from the car and watching the bottle, I see it roll over a dark side of the store... And fall... Into a portal... With three demons surrounding it.

Y/N:"What the shit?"

Demon:"What the shit?"

We both stare at each other like either of us grew an extra body part. I mean, having an extra dick would mean extra fun but, that's not the time to be fantasizing.

We continue to look at each other until I decide to turn around, and start walking away... They didn't like that. I soon realize that when I heard sprinting behind me. Not even looking back I start running too, as fast as bat out of hell.

To no avail because a clawed hand litteraly groped my ass and yeeted me to and INTO the fucking portal.


And darkness as my head made contact with concrete.

Once I wake up, I find that I'm in an office in a building... And hogtied to a chair and my mouth taped over. I look around more, seeing my phone on a board meeting desk in front of me. I tried desperately to escape my bonds but find that it was no use.

After 10 minutes of waiting, I counted, there's a clock. The three demons I saw before I got knocked out plus one wolf walk into the office. I immediately sit up straight and try to back away in fear, but find it very difficult as my legs are tied as well. Then, the demon with large curvey horns in a tattered trench speaks up first.

Blitzø:"Hey, look at that, the humans awake. Hello, my name's Blitzø but the "O" is silent. Okay, so, your more than obviously afraid and confused. We only want what's in your phone, we don't know if you've got any evidence of our existence and you see, we can't have that, ya'know, can't have you spreading word that demons and hell is real, ruins the surprise when they get here."

I only sternly stare at him

Blitzø:"Good, now." Removes tape, hard and fast."What's the password?"

Y/N:"Ow! Like I'd tell you, what do you even need it for?"

Blitzø:" Are you deaf or just stupid? I told you why. Now, what's the fucking password or I start a new collection of fingers and toes."

Seeing how he pulled out a crude pair of rusty scissors and knifes, I let up and told him.

Y/N:"Holy shit, okay okay, Jesus. The password is my birthday, (insert your birthday) (((Don't actually)))

Blitzø:"Good boy, but, we can't let you off that easy. Gimme that pinkie toe!"

As he says that, I had finally cut through the ropes with a knife they looked over, kicking Blitzø away, his hound jumps at me. I duck under and slash her thigh, thing 1 and thing 2 both try jumping me at once but I stab the corner of the window and jump out.

When I land it wasn't a very comfy pile of pillows... As my leg is now bent backwards and bleeding at a very rapid rate.

They all look out the window and watch me limp away and behind a corner, I realize that in the hype of the fight that I've forgotten my phone, they'll be tracking my parents and friends if I don't think of something quick, not to mention my bone fractured leg. Just fucking great, I start by taking my scarf off and tying above the opening to attempt to stop the bleeding and wrap my shirt around the wound. As I sit in a corner between a trashcan and a wall, I curl up in a fetal position to hid myself as much as I could... Which obviously didn't work at all considering I left a trail of blood to my hiding spot and an owl looking thing trails the blood to find me, no surprise she's as surprised as me.

Demon:"Que? The fuck are you doing here?"

There you guys go, I'm thinking of updating every Tuesday for this story and maybe every Wednesday for "Timelines." Sounds like a good idea for consistent updates. If I don't update on Tuesdays and Wednesdays without and announcement, feel free to give me shit about it.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, I know it was a bit different from the OG but that's to be expected of course. I hope you all liked the chapter, and I hope you all have a good day, morning, night, evening, week. And I'll see you all next time! Peace ✌️

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