★Chapter 24★

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★彡[3ʀᴅ ᴘᴏᴠ-ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴛʏ]彡★

The whole entire day the party felt guilty. Even though they shouldn't, they should feel like the bad guy. What they said to Y/n made them feel guilty. Every time they tried talking to you, you wouldn't spare them a glance. A look into your eyes. 

You wouldn't speak to them in any way, you would just walk to where ever with no look of emotion on your face.

Walking out of school they look around for you, but don't see you anywhere.

" Do you guys see her?" Dustin asks, still looking around for you. " I don't. I think she left early." Mike says, almost pained. 

You never leave without them, even if your mad at them. Which is the one conclusion they came up with. 

They fucked up bad.

" We should go by her house." El suggest, throwing her backpack on the handle of her purple bike.

" You think that's a good idea right now? I mean she could be really mad at us or just sad with us. I couldn't really tell." Will says, and they start biking to Y/n's house.

" Let's just make sure she's okay." Lucas says.

Arriving at her house they see her bike thrown up on the wall. " She's here." Mike says hopefully. 

They drop their bike and rush up to her door. They found something odd though. Normally there would be bodyguards everywhere, but there isn't one in sight.

El felt a chill down her spine. She clutched her body and rubbed her arms in a source of reassurance and warmth but still felt cold. 

Something was wrong and she could tell.

They knock on the door, but no one answers. They keep knocking and Mike yells, " Come on! Please Y/N! We just want to talk that's it!"

No one answer then Will tries. " Y/n! Please answer it's only us! We only want to talk!"

No answer, silence.

Just frustrating silence.

 Dustin groans and yells, " L/N! Please open the door we're here to apologize!" 


They give up and start heading back to their bike sulking. " Let's try Ben's." Mike sighs. They go to Ben's house, he says she's not there. They head to to Ty's house in hope she's there. 

Their starting to feel worried. They can't find her anywhere and she's not answering her door. 

So where is she?

They knock on the door breathlessly from biking here so fast. Plus they've been running around trying to find Y/n and it's clear that they're not going to stop till they find her. 

Ty opens the door and sees there panicked , stretched out faces. " What?" He asks annoyed.

" Is Y/n here? She's not a home." Will asks. Ty raises an eyebrow and has a look on his face.

 " No she's not here. Why though? Shouldn't she be with one of you guys?" Ty has a grin on his face and is leaning on the door way, arms crossed and his foot tapping against the floor with his head tilted in a questioning way.

Mike rolls his eyes. " Well if she was with one us why we would be looking at your stupid unibrow?" Ty just glares at him as they walk away. Ty tilts his head and Mike's pants slip down revealing his blue underwear.

Embarrassed he quickly pulls them up and rushes back to his bike with Ty behind them laughing his ass off.

They go back to Mike's house and are all sitting on the couch with their walkie talkies in hand. 

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