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OMORI and his friends finished looking through the PHOTO ALBUM, the atmosphere being noticeably pleasant.

"These photos are all so charming, BASIL. You really know how to capture the moment!" HERO remarked, impressed with the flower boy.

"Thanks... I didn't take all of them, though. MARI likes to steal my camera sometimes."

"Only sometimes!" MARI added, not letting BASIL unintentionally belittle himself.

"Hey, I have an idea! Did you all want to come hang out at my house? I just finished planting some little sprouts and wanted to show everyone. Come on! They're really cute!"

"Yeah sure, that sounds fun! Let's go!" KEL shouted.

"Wait, what about THE BATTER? It might be awkward for him to come along... he has no idea where he is!" AUBREY mumbled, as she glanced at the stoic baseball player.

"He can come along! And plus, he looks like he can use some friends. He looks lonely, picking at the grass over there..." MARI noted. THE BATTER stopped fumbling with the grass, and looked down, almost in an embarrassed manner. He felt really stupid, knowing a child just called him 'lonely' of all things.

"That's a great idea, MARI. We can be his first friends! Even if he is on the older side. BASIL, is it okay with you?"

"Of course, HERO! The more the merrier. And it'll be a good opportunity for him to learn about plants, since he doesn't know what they are."

"Well, it's settled then! Come on, let's go already!" KEL cheered.

"Hmm... Though, for THE BATTER's sake, I think I'll sit this one out. It might be too much for him, with all of these new faces. You all go on and enjoy yourselves! But if you're ever feeling weary, you can always stop by one of my picnics! I'll always have some refreshments ready... and you can even SAVE using my picnic basket!"

THE BATTER glanced at MARI's picnic basket, being sure to keep that in mind. It seems her basket has the same function as those save cubes... peculiar.

"Awww... Thanks, MARI! You're always doing so much for us!" HERO said, with abundant praise for his lover.

"Bye, MARI! We'll see you again soon!" AUBREY chirped.

"Run along and have fun now! You know where to find me! And make sure THE BATTER doesn't get into any trouble!"

THE BATTER stared at her, with an almost disapproving look. He's an adult, yet they were treating him like another child. He would never admit it, but it felt almost as embarrassing as the time he had to put on a tie...

Everyone lined up, as BASIL stood behind THE BATTER. OMORI started walking south, to BASIL's house. But, one of the kids near a tetherball called out to them.

"Hey, just wait one second! Where do ya'll think you're going!? You can't leave without joining us for a game of hide n seek!"

"Stay and play with us! The more the merrier!" The larger, reptilian youth added.

"You want to play hide and seek again?" HERO asked, deadpanning slightly.

"But... you know how this turned out last time..." KEL muttered.

"Y-Yeah... Sorry, BERLY. I think we're going to have to pass." AUBREY remarked, a drop of sweat sliding down her face comedically.

"We're going to BASIL's house now... so... we'll catch up with you later!"

KEL and AUBREY started walking south themselves, but BERLY stopped them in their tracks with another exclamation.

"Not so fast! You guys tryin' to avoid me again!? What's up with you two? Is it my face? My rough-and-tough exterior? At least I'm not as bad as BOSS! It's a good thing I banned him from the PLAYGROUND after what happened last time..."

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