CHAPTER 2 - Friend Group

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As soon as OMORI stepped through the doorway, he was met with the familiar sight of his friends playing a game of cards. AUBREY noticed him first, and rushed towards him in excitement. In the process, she trampled all over the playing cards.

"Hi OMORI! We were hoping that you'd come by soon! Wanna play cards with us? We were about to start another game!"

She smiled brightly, eyes gleaming with joy. Before she could fully notice THE BATTER, she turned around, and saw that she had stepped on the cards.

"Oh! Whoops... Nevermind..."

KEL was about to retort as per usual, when HERO suddenly spoke up. Something different was about to occur.

"Hey, OMORI, who is that man behind you? I don't think I've seen him around here before."

"I am THE BATTER. I was-"

OMORI held up a hand in front of THE BATTER, cutting him off. He stared at HERO with his dull, black eyes, as if they were communicating telepathically.

"THE BATTER? And he's not from around here, you say? Well, I guess it's nice to see a new face around here! We can help him out."

THE BATTER glanced at OMORI, wondering how he was able to convey information without speaking.

KEL got up excitedly, and rushed over to THE BATTER.

"WOAH! You're even taller than HERO! Can I hold your bat?!"

"KEL! Don't rush over to him like that! You might freak him out!" Aubrey yelled, as sparks ignited between the two youngsters.

"What do you mean 'freak him out'? If anything, you're the one who would! With your whiney voice!"

"That's SO RUDE!!! And plus, I bet you were going to steal his bat! Just like how you did with my STUFFED TOY!"

"I only hid it because you were making fun of the mole on my-..."

"The mole on your what?" AUBREY smirked victoriously, as KEL fumed in anger.

"That's enough, you two. I don't think we're making a good first impression..." HERO sighed, as he scratched the back of his head. KEL and AUBREY stiffened, and muttered angry comments to themselves, as they ended their conflict temporarily. THE BATTER had just stood there the entire time, in an almost awkward form. HERO waved THE BATTER over, and beckoned him forward. THE BATTER merely followed, and they both went aside to talk. AUBREY scooted to OMORI, and began her usual spiel of asking him to find her STUFFED TOY. OMORI complied, and found it in a watermelon stashed in a corner of the room.

"I-Is that? Could it be?" AUBREY twirled, as she snatched the STUFFED TOY from OMORI.

She turned towards KEL, and called out.

"Hey, KEL! Look, it's my STUFFED TOY!"

"W-What the heck? Where did you get?" KEL sputtered.

"OMORI found it! Lucky for me, I've got some real friends!"

HERO chimed in, pausing his conversation with THE BATTER.

"Serves you right, KEL. You should know better than to pick on others."

"But AUBREY started it...She...She..."

HERO gave AUBREY a stern look. "AUBREY..."

"Fine..." Aubrey muttered. HERO turned back towards THE BATTER, as OMORI decided to inch closer to listen in.

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