Ten|| shit

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Waking up the next morning feeling like shit. My nose was stuffy, my head hurt, and I felt cold. I sighed deciding to get up anyways. I walked into the closet grabbing a hoodie since I was cold. I decided on grey Nike sweats. I looked at my reflection, there was slight mascara under my eyes. I grabbed a makeup wipe and wiped my face clear of any makeup.

I went with a bun. I'm way to lazy to do anything right now. I need to grab some socks so I opened the drawer and grabbed some random unicorns crap on them. I strolled out of my room.

I walked over to Miles office, this is going to be awkward. I opened the door slowly. He was standing in his office shirtless. It literally knocked my breath away. "Sorry I didn't know you were busy" I tired to turn around. This was a bad idea coming in here.

"Simon it's fine, I'm not busy" he assured.

"Oh" is all I managed to say, I couldn't focus. I stood kinda awkwardly. "Well, I wanted to um...than- thank you" I sighed, this was harder then it looked. "For what" he asked

"For last night" i eyed him weirdly. "Oh it's whatever" he said shrugging his shoulders.

I scoffed, was he serious?! I was thanking him and he comes out with 'oh it's whatever'. "Yeah never mind, this was a mistake" I turned around and walked out the door. And this is why I hated him. He's so incredibly rude. But he's hot as hell. Simon, wtf.

As I walked away from his office I heard my name. "Simon wait" Miles called out. I rolled my eyes and turned around. "What Miles" I snapped.

"I thought you'd want me to act like it wasn't a big deal, your not the most emotional person" he said, he sounded pretty genuine. I sighed and took a step closer "I'm sorry for overreacting" I apologized.

He smirked "I used to it by now" he remarked and I hit his chest playfully. "Shut up" I laughed.

I shivered "are you cold" I asked them realized that was a dumb question "if I was cold would I be shirtless" he raised his perfectly sculpted eyebrow. I rolled my eyes "it's freezing" he looked at me questionably.

He soon took a few step forward and placed his hand on my forehead. "Your burning up" he said softly. "Come on let's get some medicine" he grabbed my wrist gently while looking at the black bruise. He brought my wrist to his lips and placed a gentle kiss. My breath hitched and he smirked. I rolled my eyes playing it off.

"You know, you keep rolling your eyes" he leaned down to my ear "I'll give you a reason to roll them, something more pleasurable" he walked down the long staircase, while I followed, shocked. This man had no filter.

We reached the kitchen and he looked through the cabinet, there was medicine in them. Who puts medicine in the kitchen?

It's weird actually talking to him. He was actually alright if you didn't count his emotional outbursts. He grabbed a bottle at looked at it before opening it. "Here take these" he handed to pills to me. I grabbed them and looked around for a drink. Here, Miles threw me a water. "Thanks" I said just before taking my pills.

After taking the medicine I turned back to face him. "Sooo..." I trailed off "don't you have work" I asked awkwardly.

"Eager to get rid of me" he teased with a blank face. I rolled my eyes "what did I tell you about rolling your eyes, huh Simon?" He steeped dangerously close. "You told me not to do it but, I choose to not listen" I stepped closer and smirked.

I wasn't one to step down from challenge. I loved a good challenge. "I have work" he claimed abruptly. I gave an confused look but nodded. He walked up the stairs. I sighed being left alone once again. I walked into the living room, it was more like a theater.

I sat down on one of the couch's and turned a movie on, 'the princess and the frog'.

I'm guessing I fell asleep because when I woke up I seen Brooklyn and Sage standing above me laughing.

"Your such a pretty sleeper" Brooklyn said and Sage continued to laugh. "That's creepy" i remarked. "You snore so loud" Sage laughed harder. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Sage" I slapped his arm hardly and he hissed in pain. "Your a bitch- "I wouldn't finish that sentence if I was you" Miles suddenly appeared and Sage turned white. "Sorry man" he rubbed the back of his neck. Brooklyn and I laughed.

Sage scowled and Miles remand with his usual face. I looked down at my hand realizing I still had the ring on. Oh shit.

Brooklyn noticed me looking at it and gasped "oh my fucking god" she screamed "you have a ring" yet again another ear bleeding scream " look Sage she has a ring" she held my hand up.

Miles looked nervous. Miles Evanston gets nervous? Who knew. His nervous face was kinda cute. "Wow you actually got her a ring" Sage laughed while shaking his head.

"Uh, yeah" he said slowly "it was totally romantic, he showed the ring in front of the entire family, probably the best night of my life" I lied, I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers.

Brooklyn looked at us in awe. "Okay but, why are they actually cute together" she remarked.

I rolled my eyes yet again, "so what do you guys want to do" I asked changing the subject. "Wanna watch a movie" Brooklyn asked and everyone agreed on it.

About 30 minutes into the movie my medicine started to wear off. Miles had his arm wrapped around me while Sage and Brooklyn cuddled. "Miles" i whispered softly I'm guessing he didn't hear me because he didn't look down. "Miles" I whispered again but a little louder.

He snapped his head in my direction. "My head hurts" I whined, he placed his hand on my head "your still burning up" I sighed and ran his hair through his hair. "I'll get you some medicine" he went to get up "wait" I said suddenly and he turned his head in my direction once again "can you get me another blanket" I asked and he nodded.

It's weird, we're usually always fighting. As of right now, he was being sweet and caring. He wasn't mean or rude, he was helpful.

A couple minutes later he came back with the pills and blanket. "Thank you" I whispered and placed a slight peck on his cheek. He immediately tensed up but brushed it off.

He sat down and wrapped the blanket around me. I grabbed my drink and pills and took them. The cold water felt good on my sore throat. "I'm tired" I whispered softly.

"Go to sleep" he opened his arms for me, I smiled and crawled into his arms. Feeling warm and fuzzy. I wish he was like this all the time. I wished we could stay like this forever.

He was actually alright, I didn't mind being in his presence.

I decided to give you happy chapter because things are about to get rocky again, Your welcome.

So what do you think of the book so far?

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