☠️My neighbour ☠️

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Hi guys my name is  liya and one day I was going  back to my house from shopping mall on my way back to home I just bumped with a boy who was carrying  some books and all the   books was fall because of me and I said sorry to him and asked his name and he replied ‘ hi I am john and I am new here , I shifted here today , I  said where in this colony , he replied in front of the this building ,I  said I lived there too , I  invite’s him for dinner. It was the time he knocked and I open the door and we all had a good dinner together and our family decides that we go together at school tomorrow.

 IT was a good day today and we went to school. we both say bye to each other and then he go to his class and when I enters on my class my friend Alice said whom you were talking with then I said he is my new neighbour and she laughed and said nice joke I said why you laughed she said are you kidding me there was no one you were alone there, I said I am not kidding I was with my neighbor and she said don’t scare me there was nobody and I said I am not scares you. You just scare me there was someone if you don’t believe we both go together to his house after school. we both go to his house after school but there was no one I said maybe they were gone to shopping or for other reason she said you are not believing me even now don’t you just see there is no one . I don’t  understand whom to believe on my eyes or on my friend I was feel so scary inside but can’t show anyone so I just start act normal then I just go inside my house and my mom or dad was talking about that boy and about his family  i feel so weird I even don’t know how I feel now so I just slept on my bed and suddenly my eyes open at 1:09  there was all dark out there and I saw a boy or a girl can’t say but I think that is the boy who shifted recently . he was in front of me he was coming near me. I saw a sword behind him and he is babbling that I got you be ready for die. And he got a bad and creepy face like his face was burn in any accident .I scream but there was a creepy silence .it’s like I am not able to say anything so I tried to run but I was not able to move. It’s like my legs paralyzed. and suddenly my eyes closed and when I opened my eyes I saw he was hitting me with his sword there was so much blood but I didn’t feels  anything. Then in that silence there was a sound and I fall from my bed then I realized that I had a dream last night . I go to the bathroom to wash up my face I was washing my face suddenly I realizes someone was staring at me then I look at the mirror and there was that burnt face what I showed late night then I scream and I felt the same as yesterday’s night . My body was paralyzed so again I heard a sound I felt like it was my alarm so I wake up and even scared to go to the bathroom. Finally I freshen up for school and I run to school and hoped that I don’t see him on the way to school. When I entered on my class and I realized someone staring but I don’t look at there and when the school is over I chooses other way to go to home to avoid these scary thing.  That was Monday and I was just passing by the road which is named hunted road by people. Many people look at me like I am going to meet devil. I feel scared but not that much that I scared before so I just ignored those foolish people’s but I was surprised by their reactions so my curiosity start being like a detective I really wanted  to go on that road to suspect the fear of people about that road but many people stopped me and  saying “ don’t go there was a ghost since alice  death , so I don’t hear them and  that time I start asking people about alice  death but people even scared to tell someone so I decided to go to that  house which is placed on that  hunted road ,  that was the only house their  I also feel little scared but I have to know the truth about that road so when I entered I placed my leg on the boundary of the house the leaves start flowing with the flow of the air I scream , I know it was because of the air but I really scared that time cause that was all in a sudden . after a second there was a  silence which is killing me I trying to make my heart not to  believe in that and I started going inside the house and what I  get to know is that only house on that road was of Alice . I also get to know that alice was suffering from harassment she was actually harassed by his own parents she is not that pretty and intelligent that’s why her mother and father not likes her and would, not take her to any parties and not even celebrate her birthdays they think their image get low that why they make her like a servant.   suddenly a family photo fall on my head I was start being   uncouincess  and it  takes me 2 hours to get normal   and when I see that photo frame which is fall on me so my brain was stopped and that was my friend alice photo and I look more around there . there was nothing  then I just go out and asked people about alice but nobody was saying anything but there was someone who tells me that she is died . then I said I just meets her today then that old men says how can this is possible she died 2 year before her parents killed her they burn that girl on fire and they also die in there accidently . Then I go there again next day morning and I placed a video camera there then I go to  school and I show alice was there too so I tried to avoid her but she was my friend so we did lunch together then I was going to the school’s toilet then I see john there I just ignore him but he said are you ignoring me I said no why would I  and suddenly tim came he was a boy who studied in my class too we all were a good team before I mean me , tim or alice but he start avoiding me . he came and say hi john then I take him in a corner and asked him  [in surprised way] that can you see this boy he said yes I can then he said because of your this behavior I start avoiding you then  I said what behavior he said you just talk alone like you are seeing  someone  I said what are you talking I always talk with alice only he said are youy stupid then he just leave and I asked to john that do you always see me alone not with a girl he said yes you were all alone all the time . I said I also start avoiding you because she told me that she can’t see you , whom you were talking with there is no one. So after that I also had some bad dreams too so I believe what she said and start avoiding you then I told him everything what I see in my dreams and what I see on alice house and what that old men says . we both go together there  and checked my video camera  if there is something happened that time when I was at school  but there was a thing what no one can believe there was some furniture which were moving and after seeing that I start the video camera again to record and  it was almost 6 o’clock I have hear from many people that in night the ghosts came out from their hidden places so In our stupidity we both hide somewhere to shoot what happened next ,after that I hear a sound of a girl she was screaming , ‘please help me’ I have seen in many ghost movie that ghost  screams to attract people so I tried not to hear that voice  so I tried to zoom my camera from where the sounds came but after an  minute that sound is stoped and suddenly that ghost was on my back and I scream that face was so creepy and suddenly she start crying and her crying was killing us and  we  can’t even stand in front of her so we both tried to ran out of the house that but the gate was closed then we failed  to run out of that house and I get  scared and john and I was hide somewhere .

……….. to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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