CHAPTER 2 - Friend Group

Start from the beginning

"I'm really sorry about them. KEL and AUBREY have difficulty getting along, and quarrel a lot..."

"It's fine." THE BATTER stated, in his usual blunt tone. It seemed that completing his mission was going to be a huge hassle...

"Anyways, we were going to go on a picnic with MARI and BASIL, and I'm wondering if you would like to join us? We can show you around the PLAYGROUND, and grab a bite to eat."

"Is OMORI going to the picnic?"

"Of course he is! OMORI could never miss a picnic with his sister. Those two are inseparable! Why are you specifically asking if OMORI is coming?"

"...OMORI is guiding me."

"Huh. Usually OMORI is very shy, so that's certainly unexpected. But, I guess that means he's making friends! Even if it's with...uh." HERO looked lost in thought, as he analyzed THE BATTER.

"I have to say, I didn't expect OMORI to be friends with an older person like you. He's really skittish..."

OMORI decided now was the time to butt in, and approached HERO and THE BATTER.

"Oh! Hello, OMORI! I was talking to THE BATTER just now. Say, where did you find him anyways? He's as lost as a SPROUT MOLE..."

OMORI stared at HERO silently.

"He just... woke up? Sounds like we got a case on our hands. Let's go to MARI and BASIL, some food will help us think about what to do next!"

AUBREY, KEL, and HERO lined up behind OMORI. THE BATTER decided to follow suite, and stood behind HERO. OMORI walked up to the snake on the stairs to get his allowance of 50 CLAMS, and ascended up the stairs.

OMORI, KEL, and HERO emerged from the stump. Before THE BATTER could follow, AUBREY got stuck in the entrance.

"OH YEAH!! FRESH AIR AT LAST!! Gotta love that nature! Well, let's go!" KEL beamed.

OMORI, KEL, and HERO started walking forward, as AUBREY prepared to cry out. Before she could, THE BATTER gave her a hard push from behind, and she popped out of the stump, tumbling on the ground.

"OH! Uh. Thank you!" She chirped, as she looked at THE BATTER with a grateful expression.

"You're welcome."

AUBREY ran forward, and caught up with the rest of the group, THE BATTER following her close behind. He observed his surroundings, surprised at the bizarre appearance of the place. The ground was soft, and the air was extremely thin. So thin, in fact, it felt hard for him to breathe. Upon closer inspection, he could see the ground was covered in a soft, yet fibrous, pastel-green material. It had a questionable, yet pleasant smell. He knelt down to get a closer look.

"Hey! What're you staring at the ground for? Come on!" AUBREY called out, grabbing THE BATTER's attention. He got up, and followed AUBREY closely.

They all entered the PLAYGROUND.

"MARI! BASIL!" AUBREY called out, as she walked up to them. KEL sprinted at full speed to the blanket, HERO casually followed KEL, and OMORI approached at a slow pace. THE BATTER simply followed OMORI, knowing he'd sort it all out. A joyful tune reverberated through the area, a piano being the main instrument.

"Oh, hello AUBREY! Hello, everyone!" MARI cheerfully greeted. She looked at THE BATTER, and raised an eyebrow.

"Who is this?" She questioned.

"That's THE BATTER. He's not from around here, and OMORI found him. OMORI brought him along, since he's lost." HERO replied.

"THE BATTER? That's an unusual name... Where were you before?"

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