"Thank you," Mercy told him with a smile. "That really means a lot, because I'm extremely nervous right now."

"I am too," Joshua admitted. "But hey, I'll be there with you, and so will Scarlett. And Larry, Dara, and Olivia, but you'll love them."

Mercy looked up at him. "You've met them already?"

He nodded. "We saw each other in the parking lot when we arrived."

"I can't wait to meet them," Mercy said. "Oh, I have to ask Dara if she actually cried to the Wizards of Waverly Place movie."

"My guess is yes."

They soon got to the outside of East High, where the scene would begin. Mercy had a very enthusiastic hello with Olivia and Dara (Olivia practically jumped into her arms and Dara had caught Mercy when she almost fell) before Tim instructed them to get into places. Joshua, Larry, and Scarlett all moved off to the side in front of East High, prepared to come in when ready, while Dara and Olivia actually went inside to stand by the lockers.

Mercy took off her jacket, goosebumps arising on her skin. They had to pretend that it was warm out for the show, but in reality, Salt Lake City was pretty cold. Nerves started to flow through her veins as she looked around. There were so many cameras and so many people — extras to make it look like an actual first day of school — and Mercy felt her throat start to close up.

But hey, I'll be there with you, and so will Scarlett, Joshua's voice echoed through her head.

That made her feel way less nervous.

Mercy placed a backpack on her shoulders and put her hands on it, staring up at the front of the school. She heard action, and all of the extras walked by her, acting excited as they pretended to meet up with their friends. Mercy let out a deep breath — that wasn't acting, that was a total Mercy thing, but it seemed like that was something Athena would do.

"Hey, 'Thena," Scarlett then recited as Violetta, moving to stand by Mercy. "Where's lover boy?"

Mercy let out a groan, portraying Athena's annoyance. "Stop referring to Ricky as lover boy. And to answer your question, I'm not sure. Probably with Big Red or something."

"Is this finally going to be the year you confess your undying love to him?" Scarlett asked, a smirk on her face.

"Violetta!" Mercy scolded, her face burning red just like Athena's would be.

"Okay, okay, fine, I'm joking." Scarlett then looked up at the school. "Anyways, are you ready?"

Mercy shrugged at that. "I guess so. It's now or never, right?"

She took a step forwards. And just like in the script, Joshua, acting as Ricky, skateboarded right in front of her, coming to a stop. Mercy let out a sigh and stopped in her tracks.

Mercy crossed her arms. "How many times do I have to tell you to not skate in front of me?"

Joshua took off his helmet. "Not enough, apparently."

Mercy shook her head, but allowed a little smile on her face, because she knew Athena couldn't stay mad at Ricky for long. Larry, as Big Red, then skated in. He took off his helmet as well and completed the group of four.

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌  ―  j. bassett  ✓Where stories live. Discover now