Part 5

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A/N: There is one more part after this everyone! I will be posting another story once this one is completed!

"Thank you for coming, please stop in again soon!" Steve smiled as he handed the purchase to a woman. The shop was alive again as people browsed around the shop looking through the shelves to see what caught their eye. The doorbell rang signaling people coming and going from the street fair just outside the door.

You had been anxious ever since the meeting and in all honesty you were worried it would backfire and no one would even show up. One night you spiraled hard, thinking of everything that could go wrong and it wasn't until Wanda held you close with your face in her hands that you calmed down. But now, seeing a steady stream of people coming into the shop and enjoying the fair and all the other shops on the street, your anxiety had finally completely disappeared.

Standing behind the counter with Steve your gaze trailed back to the familiar laughter you had come to love so much. Wanda was back at the Sokovia section talking animatedly in Sokovian to an older woman gesturing to the selection. You got completely lost looking at your beautiful girlfriend. You were startled when Steve slapped you on the back.

"What a great turnout Y/N," Steve smiled widely looking around the shop. "It's been a long time since this place has felt full of life, well since your sorry butt waltzed in looking for a job."

"Ha ha," You said, rolling your shoulders still stinging from the forceful slap. "I'm relieved people showed up. Carol did an amazing job advertising the fair and getting vendors. Maybe this could be something we do every month if everyone is up for it?"

Steve let out a big smile, "I think that would be a great idea!"

A small trill caught your attention as you looked down at Alpin sitting on the counter with his little tie and name tag you made for him.

"What a distinguished little gentleman you are! Yes you are!" You cooed as you stroked Alpine causing him to purr.

"There's the employee of the month," Wanda laughed walking up to you, placing a kiss on your cheek. "Always such a hard worker."

You looked at Wanda with a confused look on your face, "We don't have an employee of the month here."

"I just started it actually," Steve cut in. "I thought some friendly competition would be fun around here."

You looked at him with an even more confused look, "What? It's just you and me though and you're the boss so how is that fair."

Steve let out a chuckle as he pointed to the wall behind the counter, "The winner gets their picture up."

"Uh oh, she didn't notice yet," Wanda let out a laugh.

"Notice what?" You said as you looked to where Steve was pointing. The gasp you let out could have been heard throughout the store as you saw the plaque.


"I LOST TO A CAT?!" You cried out.

Wanda wrapped her arms around your waist from behind you as she buried her face in your shoulder trying to contain her laughter, "You did say he was a distinguished gentleman and the kids love him."

"I thought it would be cute," Steve smiled trying to contain his own laughter at your shock.

"B-but," You tried to argue but the words let you as Wanda's soft lips met your neck.

"Don't worry detka," Wanda whispered in your ear low so no one would overhear, causing your hair to stand up on your neck. "You're my employee of the month. You definitely worked overtime for me last night..."

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