Part 2

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"Ok, I'm confused... Wanda has been coming here for the past couple of months and has been sharing with you something so precious to her and to her family, who might I add, is gone," Carol said. "And you haven't asked her out yet?!"

You squeezed the bridge of your nose and let out a huff of air at your best friend. This had been a common conversation between the two of you the more Wanda had become a fixture in your life. Carol had noticed the way you would smile when Wanda would text you and how you would talk about her nonstop, but fear of pushing your new friendship into something more was always at the back of your mind.

"It's not that simple Carol. What if she doesn't like me that way? What if we are just 'flirty friends'? I don't want to ruin what we have," you sighed.

"So let me get this gay," Carol said smirking as she rested her forearm on the counter.


"From what you've told me she comes in here to spend time with you all cozy in the back of the store. Where I have found you both asleep with your head on her shoulder," Carol accused pointing her finger at you with a raised eyebrow. "The constant texting and selfies to each other, and you think she wants to just be friends?"

The silence is deafening as your brain tries to think of a response to prove the blonde wrong, but every point she brought up was hard to ignore. There was no way someone as beautiful, kind, and warm as Wanda would think of you that way, right?

A white cat jumped on the counter as he began to rub his head on the register purring loudly. You reached your hand out to stroke down his back feeling his soft fur.

"Alpine, would you tell Carol she has no idea what she's talking about?", You cooed at the attention seeking cat.

A few times a week Bucky would drop off his cat to keep you company since you always wanted to have a shop pet running around the store, but Steve had always worried about the inventory being damaged. Instead he compromised to let Alpine spend a few days a week with you at the store, which in turn helped the feline be a little less lonely while Bucky was at work.

"Alpine would agree with me. Wouldn't you sweet boy," Carol said as she scratched the side of his face. "He probably would tell me that the two of you make out in the aisles or," she paused for dramatic effect before gasping, "in the kid's section!"


"I'm just saying life's too short Y/N," Carol smiled as she put her hand on your shoulder. Even though she gives you a hard time every now and then, you love her. "You deserve someone who looks at you the way Wanda does."

You felt your heart swell, and you knew deep down that you had to see if what you had with Wanda was something more. Shaking your head with a smile, "Thanks Carol. I'm really glad you drunkenly stumbled into my bed freshman year thinking it was your room."

"And now that heartfelt moment is over! You said we wouldn't ever bring that up again!" She shot out causing Alpine to jump down and scurry off deeper into the store, "Now I know for sure you and Wanda make out in the kids section!"

"We what now?"

You and Carol both look at the front door to see Wanda still holding the door open with one hand. Familiar embarrassment fills your body and the air becomes thicker around you. Crap! You completely forgot that Steve told you the bell broke earlier this morning and he had to leave to buy a new one. Your mind reels at the thought and Wanda has once again walked in on something she shouldn't have heard.

"I said-"

Diving over the counter you cover Carol's mouth with your hand as you cut in, "Nothing!"

Carol pushes your hand off her mouth, "Ew I don't know where that has been! Also, hi Wanda, good to see your beautiful face as always." You roll your eyes at Carol's attempt to rile you up but you knew her game and you weren't going to play.

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