Chapter 2

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April smiled, shook her head and continued on into the building, where currently, she caught up with a guy from her office in the lift. The guy had a smart dark blue shirt with a beige blazer on. Blonde hair, neatly spiked, soft brown eyes and a baby face. This guy belonged to high school alone, and not a boring financial platform, though his looks helped him with the female clients a lot.

"Hey, April, looking good today." Troy riley said as he pressed the button for the 35th floor.

"Thanks, Troy." April said, blushing visibly.

"So, um, I was wondering if you're free tonight. I mean, its Friday. We could hang out." Troy said, blushing a bit too.

"oh, sure. No, wait, I promised Zoey, my roommate a night out in town tonight. We've hardly had any time to hang out." April said, her eyebrows scrunching, as they left the elevator and entered the office.

"no issues. I could get my roommate along. The four of us could hang out." Troy said.

April smiled brightly, "well, that's a great idea! Sure!"

"cool. See ya later at jimmy's. 7?" Troy said, smiling heavily.

"yea, see ya." April said, and moved on to her office.

Meanwhile, Zoey had left the building and was on her way, when a sleek black car came out of a right turn out of nowhere, with no prior warning and stopped about three feet away from Zoey, when she screeched to a stop.

Zoey got down from the vespa and took of the helmet and walked upto the car that was a Volvo.

The owner of the car also got out of the car. He had a white shirt with light blue jeans and a black jacket. His wavy brown hair looked messy to the extreme, sticking out adorably. A slight stubble made the look extra sexy and his thick grey eyes were strikingly gorgeous.

He is super hot, Zoey noticed.

Focus, Zoey, focus, she reminded herself.

"Hey, you new to the city, man?" Zoey shouted to the guy.

"I am sorry. Are you putting this on me!?" the guy exclaimed, shocked.

"hell yea, I am putting it on you! It wasn't me who jumped out of nowhere without a warning!" Zoey said in a heated tone.

"don't you go teaching me the rules, woman! You were way beyond the speed limit. Get on your vespa and go daddle back to your work. How a girl like yourself can even think of riding a vespa is something I don't understand." The guy said in a harsh tone.

"I was very much within the speed limit! And you are a jerk who can't drive!" Zoey said, and walked back to her vespa and put on her helmet.

The guy shouted something from behind that Zoey didn't quite catch.

She started the engine, drove to the car, and shouted, "oh yea, dipshit, that Volvo doesn't deserve a jackass like yourself driving it."

Then, Zoey drove off.

She was still in a heated mood when she reached office.

The quaint building looked very peaceful. Only, the people who worked there would know how exactly opposite the interior of the building was.

There was a constant buzz in the building. It was never quiet. There were people moving around all day long. The building always smelled of fresh papers and ink.

Zoey calmed down when she saw the usual sights in her office.

She was just going to settle down into her cubicle, when she saw the editor, Mr. Denny Tomlinson leave the elevator.

Denny Tomlinson did not have the best taste in good office wear, but, his wife made up for the gap. He had auburn hair, which were graying slightly at the temples. His belly line was slightly bulged, but he was as fine with it as was his wife.

She jumped up and walked fast to catch up with him.

"Denny!" she called out.

"Hey hey, Zoey, what's up!" Denny said in a good-natured tone.

"Ooh, nice mood. Things going good with the missus, I presume." Zoey said and winked at him.

"What do you want, Zoey?" Denny said, and raised his eyebrow and smiled slightly.

"What do you mean?" Zoey asked with a forced innocent look on her face.

 "Come, on, you are never nice to me, even though I AM your boss." Denny said, and rolled his eyes at her.

"What! Uh, why would you assume that! That's crazy! Can't I just talk to my boss in a good tone once in a while?" Zoey said, while laughing slightly in between words.

"You are Zoey Brandon. You don't talk nicely to people even if your life depended on it. What do you want?" Denny said as he walked into his office.

Zoey followed him inside and said, "Denny, please, please, give me another column, any other!"

Denny rolled his eyes again, and said, "again with the 'other column'."

Zoey pleaded, "Yes, please, Denny, I am sick of writing about people getting married! If I have to attend one more wedding and write about it, I'll pluck my eyes out and shoot myself."

"Oh, fun." Denny murmured and went through some files on his desk.

"It aint funny anymore, Denny. This is getting to my head now." Zoey said in a no-nonsense tone.

"Oh, come on, I'm sure it aint that bad now." Denny said.

"Not that bad!!? They make me smell the flowers to make sure I don't miss any single detail! I've smelled more baby's breath in this period than a gardener in a garden full of baby's breath!" Zoey complained.

"Alright, fine. Go back to your cubicle. I have a surprise for you. I'll call you in fifteen minutes." Denny promised.

"It better not be another bride. I am sick of the extra excitement." Zoey said, scowling deeply.

"It's not. Go now. I'll call you. You are going to love it." Denny said and smiled at her.

"whatever." Zoey said, trying to look tough and walked out.

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