Raindrops II

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(Go read the first part in A Bright World before you read this one, they play off each other)

Wishing for you is like
Holding on to an impossible dream
It lives within me and
I cannot let it go

I imagine feeling your affection
My love returned
Knowing you'll forever be there

But the raindrops still fall

You made me believe the impossible
You changed me, but you lied
Yet I still come back to you

But the raindrops still fall

If I ever see your face again
I shall wonder what it felt like,
Breaking my heart

But the raindrops still fall

I wish I didn't know the truth
So I could still be happy
Carefree and not lost

But the raindrops still fall

Every time I think
I've finally let it go
I remember how it felt

But the raindrops still fall

I felt the butterflies die
No one else can awaken them
They will stay still forever

But the raindrops still fall

How lonely you'll be
The one person who really needed you
You turned them away

But the raindrops still fall

I can only wait until
I see your face
And you understand how much it hurts

But the raindrops still fall
I wish I could forget it all

Pitter patter
Splitter splatter
But the raindrops still fall

No one is filled with
This eternal cloud of heartbreak
But me

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