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here's what you missed last week,

quinn's pregnant and puck's
the father and everybody thinks
it's finn.

except for quinn's parents
who don't know anything,
at all, they just know she's in the
celibacy club.

and that's what you missed
on glee!

talia archard woke up in a jolt, her eyes narrowing towards her phone which had a silent alarm playing on the screen, most likely muted from her own taps earlier. 7:23, the time read. an hour later than she usually woke up. the ravenette sat up, swinging her feet off the bed, and begrudgingly getting ready in record time before racing downstairs where hopefully her mom hadn't cleaned up breakfast.

"lia, honey, i almost sent bailey up to get you." elizabeth sent a tired yet warm smile up towards her daughter who tiredly had been descending the steps to the kitchen. her hair was down, a small braid running through the top to hopefully hide from her lack of care to it this morning, and her cheerio uniform adorning her body. talia was grateful she chose to wash it the night before instead of waiting, and she was also grateful that she didn't have to take extra time to find an outfit when already running late.

talia glanced to her mom, and then at the table where landon and bailey had half their plates empty, "did me not coming down half an hour ago not worry any of you?"

landon let out a snort, covering his mouth with his hand and finishing his bite before retorting, "ma was worried but we made her wait, gotta get you ready for when you're on your own, kid."

lia sent a mocking glare in the direction of her brother, but she spent little time paying full attention to a retort for him as she sat at the table, where elizabeth had already been placing the cold breakfast on her plate. "thanks ma." she smiled down to the food, her stomach being hungry enough to not care about the lack of warmth. 

elizabeth kissed the top of her daughter's head, before going back to the dishes as charles entered the room. "i thought you didn't have cheerio practice today?" landon questioned, an arch to his brow as he leaned back in his chair and watched his sister curiously.

lia shook her head, "not today, sue cancelled again. you didn't hear this from me but i think she's still freakin' out of the entire quinn situation, she viewed her as a daughter."

"does coach sylvester not view all her cheerleaders as children?" elizabeth asked, overhearing and talia had to hold back a laugh.

"no way, well, she likes some of us more than others for sure. but coach sylvester shows her love in, well, odd ways." talia responded to her mom, then her gaze landed back to landon who was still waiting for her to finish, "apparently my glee coach has meetings in the mornings , usually lacking cheerleaders since we have practice but i was planning on making one of those sessions. now, probably not." 

"why'd you stay up so late?" bailey asked, her first time speaking that morning now that her mouth was no longer filled with her breakfast. the youngest of the archard family stood up and began taking her plate to her mom, still glancing at talia.

the ravenette answered hesitantly, "i wasn't up crazy late, i was on the phone but i think my body's just trying to catch up on sleep. cheerios and glee is taking away my well needed nap hours."

a laugh was heard from the couch, where charles sat with a game of sudoku in his hand as he grinned fondly at his eldest daughter, "oh just you wait till adulthood, lia." talia narrowed her eyes playfully.

queen bee,, jesse st. jamesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum