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so here's what you missed last week,

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so here's what you missed last week,

quinn's pregnant and puck's
the father but quinn has 
decided to give the baby to
terri, who's not pregnant

but is pretending to be 

pregnant. it was her sister,
kendra's, idea.

also ken proposed to emma

and she said yes

oh and sue got figgin's to make
her co-director of the glee club

and that's what you missed 
on glee!

sitting at the coffee shop, lima bean, talia archard nervously fidgeted with her hands around her iced coffee. she was supposed to be meeting up with jesse st. james soon, and this was really her first time talking with him when it was just the two of them.

he was her brothers best friend, along with a relatively attractive and incredibly talented artist.

the sound of the door opening tore talia away from her thoughts, and she shifted her gaze and a soft smile graced her lips as jesse walked in.

he locked eyes with the raven-haired girl, and returned her smile, sending her a quick wave before walking up to the counter to order his drink. the line was relatively short, so less than a minute later, he took the seat across from her.

"i was thinking about this last night, and i have one question for you, talia," jesse stated, almost immediately after he sat down, "after showing no interest in your schools glee club, why join now for something that hardly benefits you?"

talia hummed, finishing the sip of her iced coffee before leaning back slightly in the wooden chair, "it benefits landon, plus i've known shelby for a while now, i see her whenever gwen and i hang out without landon, i don't mind doing her a solid."

jesse sent her a short nod, drinking on his own hot coffee, "landon would've been set without shelby's help, though. she likes him enough as to where she wouldn't deny him a recommendation letter, 'specially because he's dating her kid."

lia shrugged, "i've never been against joining mckinley's glee club, per say. it wasn't really a thing until this year, i've just never seen it as a good use of my time."

"what could you be doing better with it?" jesse sent her a teasing smirk as he raised an eyebrow, leaning on his elbows.

"probably not manipulating a fifteen-year old girl by, pretty much illegally, connecting her with her birth mom which happens to be the mother of my best friend and probably my brother's future mother-in-law." lia crossed her arms as she returned his smirk with a playful version of her own.

queen bee,, jesse st. jamesWhere stories live. Discover now