Shot 11

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After a little while karan came out of the bathroom to see his ladylike sleeping on the couch with a cute pout on her lips looking like a new born baby.

He chuckled to himself and walked tor wards her to wake her up. No matter how much he didn't want to wake her up he has no choice because they had pending work go take care of.

He slowly shook her calling her name but getting no response he said something be knew woukd wow her up immediately.

Karan: Preeta wake up or No t.v. and chocolates for half a year.

Heading this she stood up from where she was sleeping. He looked at her in utter disbelief. Not too long ago she was sleeping as if she was in a deep sleep but at the mention of chocolates she surprisingly got all the energy and power to wake up.

Preeta: Even after 5 damn years you still do that!!!!

Karan: Same goes for you, i thought you grew up but damn I was wrong.

Preeta suddenly started shouting at him

Preeta: I will never in my good life accept you as my husband karan luthra no matter how much power you have I will always hate you

Karan: Feelings mutual queen so you know we are only in the same room because unfortunately we are married and it's all your fault if you must know.

Preeta: You know if you weren't a big personality to the outside world you would be in a bodybag as we speak or rather i would be trying your heart for dinner with your blood as wine.

Karan: Well I guess I would be having my mansion cleaned up of stinking blood after all every pics of you is as nasty and disgusting as rotten fish

Preeta: You are too kind you know I thought for someone like you, you probably would have spend the night with a queen since it seems you ain't got no taste in women i will spare you until six months then we can declare your funeral

Karan: Oh wifey you are too kind but tomorrow we are going to my office you are officially joining there as the COO and I am not telling or asking I am ordering you.

Preeta: You are the king and I am the Queen we are equal so dont you dare tell me what to do

Karan: I take it you are not on social media because everyone in my company and all that know you think that you are actually they believe that you are the COO of my company so iys not choicial.

Preeta: Why not add that little bitch of a sister of yours to your company and leave me out of it.

Karan: You don't have a choice wifey so deal with it or die out of misery for all i care

Preeta: Thank you dearest hubby you are too sweet

Saying this she stood up and went to the bathroom whilst karan went to close the door.

Arjun and Mahira looked at each other with satisfactory smiles on their faces and silently started going out of the mansion.

Seeing them out of sight karan went to his study

Karan(while walking): They're gone babydoll come along the study we really need to start with this..

Preeta: Don't order me around i am not your servant okay I am your....

Karan: Wife i know no need to be grumpy eat some chocolate and get a hot water bag..... it seems old habits die hard or in your case never

Preeta: Excuse me what is that supposed to mean exactly

Karan: Whenever you are on your periods no one should answer back to you....or order you around because yoir mood swings are always on peak.... you really need a change of hormones!!

Preeta: I changed you know nowadays i eat a lot of chocolate and ignore people instead of giving them an earful

Karan: And you call that change

Preeta:Yes you know I....(lil tears)i really missed you

Karan(side hugging her): I know baby... I know

She started crying remembering their moments in college. He engulfed her in a hug to calm her down but it seems today she was letting all her pain out.

He knew that as much as she was annoying and childish no one ever handled her mood swings the same way he did.

He always gave her whatever she needed from jumping in her room at night just to cuddle her to sleep, giving her hot chocolate in the morning before anyone woke up....making sure she had a hot water bag every night.....keeping her warm and doing her work for her.

When her cramps were extremely painful he would be there to provide her with the love she needed. She would cry out of pain when she was alone and he was always there for her.

He would use their family's friendship as an excuse to be with her on her days. Giving stupid excuses but making sure she was fine. He was a boy, a human of the male gender.


The gender that never thinks of the pain us women feel, the frustration that just comes the need for love and caring when the cramps are too painful.

Yes a girl will smile every day of each year but behind that smile on certain days she is in pain....sometimes she will scold sometimes she will be 'impossible' but it's not her fault. There are a few boys/men our there who actually think about what the female gender has to go through.

Periods are not choicial but rather natural...they prove a girl purity and every month every girl out there experience cramps and mood swings that are sometimes unbearable.


She continued crying her heart out until he pulled her out of the hug and called one of his servant to his room.

Servant: Sir you called?

Karan: Yes please bring a hot water chocolate and some dark chocolates and haan chicken lasagne

Servant: As per your wish sir

In about 30 minutes the servant brought the food and karan was caressing her hair and her abdomen since she was having cramps.

She was sitting between his legs leaning her head on his chest with her eyes closed but the pain was reflected on her face and expressions.

When the scent of the food hit her nostrils she opened her eyes to have a look at what came.

He slowly picked her up and made her sit on the couch placing the hot water bag on her abdomen after checking if it wasn't too hot.

They discussed their matters while eating and after a while she slowly drifted to sleep. He carefully took her in his arms and made her lay on the bed. Slowly putting the duvet on her he was about to make his way torwards the study when he felt a hug on his hand

Preeta: I told you I want my teddy

Karan: But I have.....

Preeta: No buts or anything..... i want my teddy

Huffing knowing how stubborn she is He also layer down beside her keeping her head on his chest making sure she still had the hot water bag and the chocolates on the night stand.

Sleep took over them as they awaited the next day

To be continued.....

Signing off

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