Shot 2

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He called her several times but without getting any response he broke the hug only to see her sleeping peacefully and cutely. He tried waking ber up but she was in a deep slumber so he took her to his car and placed her on the passenger seat and drove to his office.

On his way he thought why he was genuinely kind and nice to preeta not just that he even allowed her to hug him. He thought of the reason as to why all his anger mysterically vanished out of the blue. He looked at ber beautiful and calm sleeping face and admired her for a  short while bjt the next moment he told himself

Karan : No, i cant be admiring her i cant do that it will only call for trouble and i dont want uninvited trouble. When i reach the office i will look into who she is and her family and contact them to come and pick her up.

When he reached the office he took her to his cabin. All the employees were shocked seeing their cold hearyed boss carrying a woman in his arms for the first time.

He rushed to his office and placed her on his bed in his secret room.

He made sure that she was comfortable then he quickly went out to attend his meeting

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He made sure that she was comfortable then he quickly went out to attend his meeting.

After a short while the meeting was successful and he excitedly went back to his office forgetting he had a special someone in the office.

When he reached he took his jacket off and unbuttoned the first two buttons on his shirt and called his P.A to get him some food then she asked him whether she shpuld get some food for the lady as well thats when reality hit him that he also had a beautiful lady ufff preeta in his office so he told her to make it double .

He stood up and went to the room to see preeta cutely opening her eyes as a slight yawn escaped her mouth she looked at his two buttons that were opened and then looked at herself to see her in just her dress as karan took her dupatta off when he made her lay on the bed. Her eyes widened like saucers and she started trying to remember but there was something continuously going on in her mind , if he falls for her and if he gets to know her real identity then it will mean extreme trouble.

Karan saw her lost in some thoughts and thought what happened to the girl who was crying and what could she be thinking about.  Thats when he realised that two of his buttons were open and her dupatta was elsewhere so what else could a girl think of. He sighed taking steps torwards her while she was just praying for her empire.

Before he could do anything his P.A knocked on the door with the food. He just have her a cold come in because even though he was soft hearted he did not tolerate any nonsense and he definetely wasnt going to be nice to everyone,  a lesson his past taught him.

The P.A came in and was shocked to see how her boss and his lady where looking. All the wild thoughts started brimming in her head while karan saw her expressions and thought to ask her what the hell she was thinking because he did not ask her to come and think, he asked for food but it seems her brain thought of thinking first so she just gave a why not.

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