Arrival Of The Enemies In Lukendonia, The Battle And Coma

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Rael was on his way to Seira's manor. He was pretty excited as he was going to propose to her, he was pretty much been in love with her for quite some time now.

He was on his way there when an enemy silently showed up in Lukendonia, as he was in the exact place where the enemy was, but he was in a spot where he was able to see them but they were not able to see him and were talking to themselves about how to destroy the Nobles, taking the advantage of this he secretly wielded Grandia and fought with all of them. There were 3 enemies and he fought them all alone and was successful in defeating them. Due to being his first time in a battle with not 1 but 3 enemies, he was extremely exhausted and before The Lord, Rajak and Clan Leaders could arrive he collapsed. 

When Raskreia, Rajak and Clan Leaders arrived at the same they were shocked to find the Enemies defeated and dead and Rael unconscious on the ground panting heavily he was immediately rushed to the hospital, where the doctors told them that he had a serious head injury and due to that he was in a coma and they had no idea when he will wake up.

During his coma, he had visions of the future. Every encounter, every battle, every dead, every Enemies, he saw everything till the very end battle.

For the next 10 years, he was still in a coma and everyone was getting worried as he hadn't woken up yet, Rajak was the one who was worried the most as his baby brother hadn't woken up for 10 years he vowed that he would find those Enemies and finish them off with his own hands for injuring his brother, putting him in a coma and most of all for trying to attack their Homeland.

Raskeria as a Lord was also worried about Rael, as he had risked his life to protect his Homeland by fighting not 1 but 3 Enemies at the same time. It was her duty to protect her land and subjects.

The others were also worried about him even though he was a bit spoiled but he had a big heart and was always ready to help others and protect his Homeland they just hope that he would recover soon and wake up from the coma.

Has for Rael, he had Seen The Future for the next 2 centuries and had known every single detail of what will happen when he woke up.

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