5- hot

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tommy posted a photo on his instagram story and eris calls him hot on stream chaos ensues ]]]{]]]]]]]]

(i had started writing this chapter but never finsihed it so it's just the beginning here)

When Eris woke up she noticed that Tommy was still on the phone and he was already awake. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up a bit.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" she heard come from the phone. She quickly shot a glare at him and then stood up to use the restrooms. "Well someone's moody in the morning" tommy mumbled

Eris came back about 10 minutes later after getting a little bit ready and she was back to normal.

"Hey Tom how'd you sleep" Eris smiled and asked him, mood completely changed from when she woke up.

They had some light conversation talking about what they wanted to do today when Tommy remembered what he posted last night.

"OH MY GOD ERIS" Tommy yelled suddenly

"Holy shit Tommy, lower your voice, what"

"Guess what I posted last night"

"I don't know Tom what did you post" She looked over at the screen, Tommy looking very proud of himself.

"I posted some more rainyinnit content" Tommy said, "Go look!"

Eris opened twitter and went to the trending tab to see #rainyinnit trending, she searched up Tommy's account and saw the tweets. She looked at all the comments and then scrolled through the hashtag too.

"You took a picture of me sleeping? Okay weirdo" She playfully rolled her eyes "Nah these are good tho the fans are going ape shit crazy"

"Haha look at this one! someone said 'they aren't even dating but they act more like a couple than me and my boyfriend' and someone else replied 'im pretty sure they are dating tbh'" Tommy read out some comments.

After scrolling through the hashtag Eris decided to end the call because she needed to shower. She was planning on streaming around 8 tonight but she also wanted to do some other things before too.

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