A Long Short History

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Ema: Then I used the lighter and the hair spray that you had in your backpack to increase the intensity of the fire, and it worked, as a result, it gave two people injuries by accident :( seriously people thought I was a goddess, I quickly became Duchess and I am in charge of supervising the payment of taxes of the kingdom since the rose did not determine a queen.

Bianca: that's incredible how fast time passes, don't you think so

Ema: If time passed very quickly without me noticing between these luxuries but well, Óscar is in a coma we still haven't found a cure for him, Bianca you're fine I know what I said could be hard.

Bianca: Of course, if I'm fine, the truth is I don't care, that is... I think I only like him physically, I don't know what to feel for sure.

Ema: Yes, of course, it calms his eyes, we heal them, well, actually, now he has some robotics with which he will see and perfectly.

Bianca: seriously great so he won't be disabled I was worrying about that thanks for everything.
Ema: It doesn't matter if I did it out of obligation, but I think I found a way for you and Oscar to return to earth.

Bianca: like...don't hide it from me, tell me everything in great detail, don't waste time.

Ema: after hurting those people, I investigated the history of this kingdom, before I explain four kingdoms are ruled by a queen, as roses are known here, these kingdoms have a rose which chooses the queen, a magical rose or elementary these choose it from other dimensions outside this one, each rose has a power that it delivers to the chosen queen.  the red rose is given the power of fire, the white rose of water and nature is the most powerful and has the power to create life and the red rose destroys it and rebuilds the black rose to create instability and weeds and destroy them by full.  magic only when it is in danger but it weakens when it uses this power a lot and very fast and finally the pink rose, it is the weakest but it is still powerful, it is in charge of the fauna, it creates animal life each one for a function to each world and dimension with specific characteristics. all of these live 1050 years and with the youth, they do not age and do not get sick.  the white one has no known weakness, she is very powerful.  each kingdom has a range of certain colors in different shades.

Bianca: This is a place with a very different history and foundation than the earth, it intrigues me so much.

Ema: yes, this place is perfect if you find yourself in this position, maid!/
Maid: yes ma'am
Ema: take Bianca to her room
Bianca: I don't like the idea of ​​being a burden.
Ema: It's nothing that matters to me, it's my obligation, but well see you in the morning.

Bianca: the maid showed me my room, but I couldn't sleep I was remembering all my past life what I lost and what was waiting for me I wanted to go back I remembered my obligations how worried my mother was going to be about my little brother

The rose that changed my life Where stories live. Discover now