...of my own...

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"Alec..." he whispered.

Hand that held him in a vice-like grip pressed stronger. He winced as it urged him to rise to his feet.

"So is it true?" Alec asked calmly.

Too calmly.

Jace could only nod.

Hand pressed stronger again before letting go completely. Parabatai mark felt wrong on his skin. It was screaming, almost, burning him with a sour taste of betrayal.

"Get out of my sight."

Jace looked at his face, panicked. He regretted it the moment his eyes met disgusted look on his brother's face.

"Alec, please..."

But Alec only pointed to the door. His eyes were steely, cold.

"Get. Out. I don't want to see you out of your room."

Jace made an unsure step towards the door. He still had to try.



This time he didn't need to be told again. He ran.


He was never one for waiting.

Staying still in a middle of a mission was one thing, of course, but by now those were instincts more than anything else. If there was a cult meeting, he was more than happy to wait for the right moment, clear his head and prepare for the battle.

But for this battle, there was no way to prepare.

Stupid, stupid, stupid...

He was definitely panicking by now.

Is now the right time for 'I told you so'? Asked his conscience solemnly. Jace didn't have strength to shut it up.

Oh, c'mon, it's not like you don't deserve it, you crybaby!

Jace knew, not that he was about to admit it. Feeling of panic was overwhelming, drowning every rational thought he could've had left.

I need to get away.

It wasn't pain he was fearing. That was the worst. He was used to pain. He trusted Alec. He wasn't afraid what he would do.

Jace was afraid of what he would think.

He's probably disgusted by you now... just saying. I mean, you disobeyed him - again, completely broke his trust, oh, and I'm sure Simon would be delighted to see you right now!


Jace shivered. He was, truth be told, avoiding Simon ever since Alec dragged him from that very literaly haunted house.

Maybe I should check on him?

He was out of the room before the other voice even had a chance to ruin it all.

Sneaking through the hallway was easy enough. It was mid-morning, meaning that most of other residents have already left the area. For some reason, his gut was telling him vampire was one of the few people that stayed in their rooms.

"Vampire?" he whispered. He put his hand on the door gently, tapping his fingers in a nervous manner. He knew Simon would hear it if he were in there.

Sure enough, doors soon opened and black haired head peeked outside to see him.

"Oh, hi."

Jace, for once, couldn't really find his voice.

A lying shadowhunter and a big bad ball of gooWhere stories live. Discover now