... if it isn't the consequences...

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Why didn't it went away yet???

He couldn't sleep, he couldn't eat, he barely focused during training.

Like letting Alec kick your ass is gonna help solve anything.

On the end of a first day, when he learned Simon couldn't join them on the movie night 'cause he was confined to his room, he started toying with the idea of simply owning up to his mistake.

After a second day, after a mission went wrong and Alec let him get away scot-free with far more than he usually did, he started cracking under the pressure.

By the morning of the third day, and led by a mysterious and sudden urge to admit, he flew out of his room at four in the morning and tore into Alec's door ready to admit.

Unfortunately, the moment he saw his parabatai moving off of Magnus in sheer panic, all his bravery seemingly disappeared.

He mumbled something incredulous about 'hearing something weird' and 'worried' before Alec grabbed him and almost smacked the angel blood out of his being.

'Nuff said, he didn't get another of those urges again.

Still, they could've returned every moment. And, this time, maybe they'll go away even faster than before.

So, he did the only reasonable thing he could.

He began stalking Alec.

Just, y'know, so he's near in case he felt that moment of bravery again.

That is how, in a morning of a sixth day, he found himself staring holes at Alec's temples as his parabatai enjoyed morning coffee with everybody's favourite warlock.

Two lovers seemed completely at peace, as they usually did when they were together. Magnus' feet were resting curled in shadowhunter's lap, and Alec's hair was tangled from how much Magnus petted it. Duo stared at each other with all the love in the world. They talked quietly, but even their low voices seemed sickeningly soft.

Jace huffed above his coffee cup again.

Magnus looked at him. For a brief second, his eyes turned cat-like.

Jace couldn't even blame him at this point. He was huffing so much he started annoying himself already.

Not a second later, Magnus turned back towards Alec, softening his face into a most sugary smile Jace ever had the displeasure of witnessing.

"Darling, I don't know about you, but I'm craving another hot cappuccino. Would you mind making us some?" he pouted.

Alec rolled his eyes fondly. "Can't you just magic it up?"

Magnus' pout deepened, and he leaned closer to Alec's face. "But I like your coffee better. Only you know how to make it right."

"With little chocolate sprinkles?" Alex sighed, already standing up and taking his empty cup. Cup that was, Jace was pretty sure, half full of liquid just a minute before.

Magnus smiled.

"Chocolate stars, Chocolate."

"Of course." Alec laughed. He pecked Magnus on the cheek before moving out of the room.

The moment doors closed behind him, Magnus' loving smile turned to an annoyed glare.

"Okay, Blondie, spit it."

"Wh..." Jace seemingly teleported into a cushioned armchair in front of Magnus' couch.

"Woah..." he shook his head weakly. Magnus huffed before starting to speak.

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