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Naruto looked at the child, he listened as Tazuna listed off the Ninjas but it didn't matter to Naruto. Squatting he opened up his arms, Nagato looked down at Naruto and smiled.

Of course his instincts are acting up, he is of age.

Sakura was getting ready to interrupt the bridge builder and yell at Naruto, but Sasuke reminded her of something that she shouldn't have forgotten.

"I'm no medic Sakura so don't take your chances against him." Sasuke said, he knew and had to respect Naruto. He didn't like Naruto, hated Naruto with every fiber of his being but he knew he wouldn't be able to sit here and call Naruto weak.

He pulled the wool out from underneath the entire village, and that is what Sasuke found admirable.

Though the child, the small little eight year old ran to Naruto. He picked the child up and gave comfort to the child.

Tazuna paused in his speaking, but the woman hushed hushed him from saying something,

Naruto stood there ignoring everybody, hugging a child who he knew world was falling apart.

Tazuna finished speaking and spoke.

"Gato has his father locked up, and is set to be public executed soon, that is also why I wanted to have some Ninja's capable enough to stop him." Naruto blinked.

His family life wasn't that good, he had Nagato. He means Iruka and Genma has been asking him to join them for dinner, maybe he'll take them up on it.

He always did like Genma and Iruka.

They never treated him coldly.

The tiny exception in that cold village.

"Inari, why don't we play a game?" Naruto asked and he was talking to himself, Inari had managed to fall asleep and Naruto hummed,

"Here let me.."

"He's fine here, Naruto interrupted. Naruto sat on the couch, and decided to open up a book, Nagato looked to Kakashi and spoke.

"Why don't we take this time to train? You all obviously need it." Nagato said and Kakashi sighed.

"Do all Uzumaki's tend to be as blunt as you both?" Kakashi asked, because he could see how Sakura and Sasuke took offense to it. Naruto and Nagato seemingly answered at the same time.

"Yes." Short simple and to the point. Nagato ushered the kids outside.

"You all want to be trained the way I train Naruto?" Naruto sighed when he heard Sakura say.

"It can't be that bad? Sure." Naruto shook his head, Nagato was about to push those kids, but honestly they needed it so he kept quiet about it.

As the door opened, Omoi's summons came and dropped off a letter. Naruto smiled, the male always did have perfect timing.

He still had the weight of the child sleeping on his shoulder, he hummed. His father was captured, should he just eradicate the Ninja's? He should.

He was confident enough in his skills.

"Tsunami, can you take him. There's something I'm going to do for him." Tsunami nodded and picked the child up, she smiled and looked down at Naruto.

"Thank you for taking care of him." Naruto nodded, and headed on his way.

Though the two masked individuals touched down in the wave and immediately found who they were looking for.

"Zabuza, what if I told you we can get revenge on the mist for casting you out?" The male asked, the woman firmly at his side.

"What did you have in mind?" The male asked, being accompanied by his sixteen year old companion. He latched onto Zabuza like a lifeline.

"We just need to capture the prophet and convert him to our side. Then we can use him, and change the way the land sees those hidden villages, we can even take those villages over." Zabuza blinked.

"You help me track down Kisame and you have a deal." Zabuza said and the woman smiled.

"He is next on our list, come on then. There are a few strong Ninjas in the wave. Did you think you be able to take on three Jounin ranked Ninjas?" The woman said, and the male hummed.

"Doesn't matter, we are burning daylight." The four of them moved, hid their chakra and left the wave. Though ten minutes after they left Naruto invaded their spot.

He stood there and basked in the chakra of the four Ninjas.

He could totally take two of those Ninjas but the other two? He wasn't sure. They had a power sort of like Nagato if Nagato stopped hiding his real powers.

His father might be able to take one, and even his mother. Though he largely disowned them, they did birth him.

However he decided he spent to much time here, if he wanted to bring Inari's father to him before Inari woke, he had to keep moving.

So that's what he did, he stumbled into the first base, it surprised him nobody batted an eye about him being there. He walked around and saw that there was nothing of importance here.

Walking outside through the back he placed his hand on the building.

"Fire Style, Imprisonment of the burning flame." Naruto set that house ablaze, though he hardly cared. As he's walking away from the house there was a man.

"What's a fine little beauty like you doing out here?" Naruto turned around, looked at the shirt, and ugly looking man's he's ever seen.

"He is quite ugly, looks like he didn't win the genetic lottery."

He wondered if the leaf village just had good genetics. He was experiencing the world outside of the leaf village walls and a part of him thinks he shouldn't have.

"I'm looking for Gato actually, you know him?" Naruto asked and the male chuckled.

"Know him? I am him. Why don't you follow me, you just be looking for a good time with a powerful man." Naruto blinked, he was but his powerful man was in Kumogakure.

He also didn't open that letter that was waiting for him at home.

"Sure, I was hoping I can have a sneak peak of the men you are executing?" Naruto used the charm and Gato was eating it up.

Naruto kept up small talk, and they made it to the building. As they walked in he could see the drunken men whistle, Naruto blinked not caring, he headed downstairs into the basement and saw a few people chained up.

"They are all set to be executed tomorrow, take as long as you like dear." Naruto smiled and spoke. "That won't be necessary."

Naruto drew a Kunai and slammed it into the man's neck. It was childs play really, he could've done the mission before he started training with Nagato,

He leaned down and summoned Bidy. Bidy had been training at Mount Felis. Cat Sith was a brutal trainer, but Naruto knew because Nagato was also brutal.

"Can you handle the upper floor for me?" Naruto asked and Bidy nodded, and taken off.

Naruto looked towards the cage and smiled.

"Let's rescue you all, I'm Naruto. A pleasure to meet you all." Naruto said as he unlocked the cage, helped the people up.

"Now, whose the lucky man that is Inari's father?" The male who went by Kaiza raised his hand and Naruto smiled.

"Let's get you home before that little Tike wakes up." Naruto said, as he led everybody upstairs.


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