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"Don't leave me Omoi." Naruto pleaded, Omoi sighed. All last night Naruto was talking about how much he didn't want him to leave, Omoi assured him that he would be back but to Naruto that wasn't good enough,

"I'll be back, you don't have to look so heartbroken," Omoi said, Naruto did look upset. He looked like his entire world was crashing down on him.

"I am heartbroken. Why can't you stay with me?" Naruto said and Omoi almost caved, but that was his home village and no matter how much he wanted to stay and spend time with Naruto.

"I have to leave, I'll be back next month. Don't look so down." Naruto sighed and tossed himself back into the chest of Omoi.

Omoi sighed and wrapped his arms around Naruto, holding him tightly and there was a cheeky voice.

"I'd knew this where I would find you, Hello again Omoi." Naruto sighed and Omoi smiled.

"Hello Nagato-San. You've come to take Naruto?" Naruto's arms tightened and Kurama hummed.

"You need to leave your mate Naruto, he'll be back." Naruto was near tears, he pulled away from Omoi. Nagato smiled and watched the young mates.

"Take your time, Naruto we do have a mission." Nagato stepped back and closed the distance he had with the couple. He was away from ear shot.

"Naruto you can't be reduced to tears because I'm leaving." Naruto knew his mate was right, but that didn't mean anything. He didn't want his mate to leave.

"It's your instincts, but you have to let him go." Naruto sighed and wiped his eyes, Omoi didn't like that. Making a sour look on his face he looked at Naruto,

"I just like spending time with you, you are the only person in my life that I actually like to spend time and hang out with and you don't even live in my village." Naruto said and Omoi sighed softly.

"I like our time together too, I don't want to leave. However I can't flee my village, and I'll be back next month. We will have so much time together. So can you wait for me?" Omoi asked, moving the strand of hair and placing it behind Naruto's hair.

Naruto closed his eyes, because when he talks to him like that how could he refuse? How could he say no even though he wanted to say no,

Then the Icing on the cake, Omoi leaned down and kissed Naruto on the forehead. He leaned back up to look at how those blue eyes looked happier and Naruto's cheeks flushed,

"Wait for me?" Omoi said with a question and Naruto sighed and nodded.

"Yes I'll wait for you. Make sure you write me so I know you got home safely." Naruto said and Omoi nodded, and he went to walk away, though Naruto quickly placed a kiss to Omoi's cheek.

"Safe Travels." Omoi smiled softly, he was blushing but you couldn't tell with his darkened skin, so he ruffled Naruto's hair for one more ounce of contact before headed home.

Naruto watched him walk away, and then felt an arm toss around him.

"Looks like you've found your mate, don't worry he'll be yours soon. He's already kissed you first, and oh don't remind me." Nagato said with a cheeky grin.

"Your mating gift. He'll figure it out soon. Now to our mission!" Nagato said, cheery and peppy. Naruto had to believe him and the dog were getting along.

"You and Kakashi seem to be doing well. Looks like I'll have to stop attempting to kill him huh." Naruto said and Nagato chuckled.

"Yes I would love that very much." Naruto nodded and leaned into Nagato. He had already missed his mate.

"I'll cool it." Naruto said finally, he knew that once you had somebody for you, that was the only person for you. As much as Naruto had such a strong distaste for Kakashi, that would not be fair to his only family member.

"I knew you loved me! You are the best nephew I have." Nagato said and Naruto smiled as he kept walking with his uncle. They walked to the tower and and ignored people.

With Naruto's real identity being known by almost everybody, made a lot of people attempt to smile or talk to him.

Everybody trying to the grace a conversation with him but it's too late. He didn't want to have friends. When he did want friends nobody wanted to be his, so he didn't care.

So as he stepped in the tower, team seven is in front of them. Sakura making an entire scene and Sasuke looked annoyed, there was another boy who looked like nothing in his life was right.

That hardly mattered to Naruto.

"Kakashi quite frankly no your Genin aren't ready for a C-rank however... I will give your team one but you will be teaming with team 11."

Sakura gasped. She was in disbelieve. Maybe she could try and be friends with the prophet, maybe that would make her parents proud aside from dating the Namikaze heir.

"Never in your wildest dreams Haruno. You keep your  perky girl attitude away from me or I will cut you down, I did just learn how to wield a sword correctly." Naruto said and Sakura smiled.

"Well don't you need friends? You don't have anybody in your corner." She said and Nagato hummed,

"Kakashi." Nagato said and Kakashi nodded, he already understood the assignment.

"Now Sakura, don't talk..." Minato started already sensing the tension in the room, but Naruto had already lived a life of not having people in his corner so that didn't really hurt his feelings.

Though Naruto absolutely despised people talking out the side of their necks, especially if he didn't like them.

"Sakura, you have lost your speaking privileges to me. Speak to me without me speaking to you first and I will kick your ass." Naruto said and Sakura gasped.

"Sasuke-kun! Are you going to.."

"Leave me out of this woman, you pissed him off, not me." Sasuke said and Sakura gasped, she looked to her sensei and even the Hokage and their hands were absolutely tied.

They would let Naruto do whatever he wanted, he was the prophecy. They needed him to do good in the world, and correcting any damaged behavior. Especially any behavior the village definitely caused.

"Well what is this mission?" Nagato asked, ruffling Naruto's hair. He knew that Naruto was a little more prone to annoyance because his mate did just leave those gates, however, Nagato has a good feeling about this mission.

This is the mission where that power unlocks.

He believed he has found the only other wielder of that power alive, and despite how that power was born, now he would use it for peace, and he won't be fooled like how his uncle was fooled.

Nagato would lead Naruto in the right direction.

He would not let them near or around this boy.

"An C-rank mission to the civilian wave country. Tazuna the bridge builder needs your help, petty thugs stopping the progression of the bridge. You need to help him complete it."

As the Ninjas listened to the scopes of this mission, really all Naruto could worry about is Omoi.


Hi y'all, ugh don't be mad. I will try to post more but when I say life kicked my ass the last few months 😐 like y'all I was almost homeless..... enough about me though, let's get back into this story!

Amiyah 🥰

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