"I use my alas to do that, aren't you proud of me?" Minho asked him

"What alas?" Felix asked

"He used his Gun" Jisung said as Minho acted like he was holding a gun; "You kill him?" Felix asked; "NO" I said

"We bury him alive" Jeongin added and now they acted weird together, pretending that they were killing each other using their hand gun

"Don't worry, we just buy everything on the store, so we can come back here quickly~~" I said showing him one of the bags of food that we brought and gave it to him "We brought it under your name~~ so the manager said that he'll pay you advance" I said

"Thank you but aren't that too much~~" He said holding the bag of food "I mean where are you going to put all that food in good consumed" He asked

"We have so many people in this place, you don't have to worry about that" I said, I sit beside him as he nodded in realization, I look at him before looking at the three people back there still fooling around, now holding a real gun

"Are they going to be fine?" He asked

"Ummm, that's normal~~" I said, as they were still playing with their guns "I guess" I added, he looked at me and chuckle cutely making me smile along with him

"Where is Hyunjin?" I asked him, when I can literally see Hyunjin inside that room~~ "He is right there" He answered and pointed at Hyunjin, and he was now looking at us

I notice that Felix was looking at Hyunjin who is narrowing its eyes, then he acted like he wanted to pick a fight with Hyunjin, He then smile and shrugged it off, Letting lix off by just that~~ for a second I can't believe that he was Red Panther "You aren't afraid at Hyunjin?" I asked

"I'm afraid of him yesterday because he almost kill me, but I know in my concise that I have nothing to do with his dads death so I have nothing to be afraid anymore" He said confidently, that's a different case Baby~~ If you only know

"I see" I said and just nodded in disbelief

"Hey stupid come here~~" Hyunjin said peeking out the room, Felix looked at him and looked at me afterwards, I look at him confused "You didn't hear me?" Hyunjin asked, he rolled his eyes and looked at the three guys behind who is still fooling around

"Did you hear someone calling my name?" He asked the three, they stopped playing for a while and looked at him nodding 'NO' and continue to play

I looked at Hyunjin and to my surprise he was already beside Felix, he madly grab Lix wrist and pull him with him to enter the room


"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked as he open another door, he harshly pull me in, he pushed me to sit on the chair and locked me not letting me to move either go anywhere

"I'm not in a good mood to fool around you whore, be obedient as long as I ask you nicely~" He said, I fearlessly look at him, locking eye contact he scan my eyes and

"You're not being nice if you're going to call someone stupid and whore instead of their name, don't you think~~" I said

"I'm kind enough to only call you stupid and whore at this point~~ Do remember that you are the son of the omega who's part of killing my Father" He said

"I have nothing to do with my Father anymore, so why that makes me your enemy?" I asked

"My Enemy's Everything is my Enemy" he answered

Strawberries and Cigarettes/// HyunlixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora