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Exams are FINALLY over and apart from my second maths paper, everything else went well. Here is another chapter. Thank you for being patient with me. I appreciate it<3


Harry was unable to take another day off work, but he gave Harlow a big kiss and a hug before he went into work.

Louis accompanied Harlow to take her assessment exam for school. She fidgeted nervously. "You have nothing to worry about, Harly. You are spectacular, just like your mama. You will do well," Louis reassured her as they walked into the school.

Miss Gallo smiled at them. "It is normally mandatory that we assess all our students since we do not want to place them below their capacity," she explained as she guided them to an empty classroom.

"C-Can dada stay?" Harlow asked with a pleading and fearful look in her eyes.

"He'll be right here, dear. You have to answer it on your own though, alright? Do you know how to write?" she asked with a kind smile as she bent down beside Harlow.

"Yes! Mama taught me to write when we lived in 'merica." She beamed.

While she answered the paper, Miss Gallo pulled Louis to a side. "I do not mean to sound rude, but she is not your blood is she?" Miss Gallo asked hesitantly.

Louis gave her a curt smile. "No, but she is my child. My omega and daughter used to live in the States. They were not in a good environment. I met them when they moved back home," Louis explained.

Miss Gallo's eyes grew sympathetic. They remained silent afterwards as Harlow occasionally lifted her gaze to see if Louis was still there and each time Louis would smile at her. She would return the smile and turn back to the questions.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Harry's prosthesis lay off to a side as he worked. He knew he had no reason to be worried about Harlow, but it was only natural. He was a mother after all.

There was a knock on his door and he looked up from his work. "Come in." The door opened and Sylvie walked in a bit hesitantly. "Is everything alright?"

She seemed startled by the question as she hastily fixed her outfit. "Oh yes! Yes! Well, actually, not really. Can I..." she gestured towards the empty chair in the corner of Harry's office where multiple computers and other devices lay. Harry nodded so she pulled the chair a bit closer and sat down. "I uhm, well I wanted ask you something."

Harry nodded for her to continue as she fidgeted nervously. "I heard rumours around the office and I didn't know if they were true or not so I just wanted to tell you? Okay, so people are saying that your sleeping with Mister Tomlinson and using him to get to the company." She winced once the words left her mouth.

Harry's mouth fell open in shock and his eyes went wide because while he was not all that surprised, he was shocked to hear something so vile. He cleared his throat after he processed what she said. "I met Louis before I started working here. I didn't know he was the boss or CEO or whatever. He was a complete stranger who helped me and is a friend of my friends. I moved from the States. Yes, he is my alpha, but no, I am not sleeping with him to get the company. Frankly, I love what I do. I always have. Louis happens to be my alpha, but I would never use him." He pulled his phone out and opened a photo of Louis, Harlow, and himself standing in front of a peer, drenched head to toe while laughing that Niall had taken when they all hung out. "He loves our daughter even though she isn't his by blood. He treats us well. He doesn't look at me differently just because I wear a prosthesis. Regardless of whether he had money or not, I would have loved him so the rumours are untrue and certainly rude, but thank you for asking me instead of assuming things, Sylvie. I am grateful for that," he explained with a soft smile.

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