15 - defense of fairweather.

Start from the beginning

As he positioned himself behind the podium, the audience waited for his speech to begin.

"As we all know, the Secretives are making their move," he said, his voice echoing out through the speakers around the court. Without the amplifications, his voice sounded like a businessman. "If we consider the scale of their attacks, there is no doubt that they are preparing for something big. Thankfully, some of my people have discovered where they will attack next, which brings us to why I have called all of you here."

"The enemy is rallying their forces by attacking random spots, including the park that Rosten Kaizel destroyed a few weeks ago. This is just a preparation to deter everybody from their main target: Fairweather Campus. I have called upon all of you to ask for your assistance. Please-"

A different portal appeared beside the President and out came a masked man trying to ambush him. With a circular wave of his left hand, he blocked the attack with an orange circle covered in symbols and patterns on his right.

"-defend the place for the sake of the students here. Thank you."

Upon saying the last two words, President Joey blasted the assassin away and tied him up with orange ropes. Meanwhile, a full-on assault team from the Secretives were quickly headed their direction. Everyone quickly rushed out from the front doors or the open ceiling and braced for battle.

Within just mere seconds, dozens of fighters from both sides were put out of action. While the Secretives were powerful in their ability to charge towards the opposition head-on, the President's armies had very good synergy, allowing them to combine their defenses and attacks. Yet, something felt off. Nearly everyone on the field had a bad feeling about this fight.

The handful of people who didn't worry about the fight included Luna, Arizu, and the various Secretive elites they were facing. Using her Lifecall, Arizu called upon her past lives, summoning an engineer and a swordsman.

"13th Ness," she shouted, "build defenses around the campus! 12th Laden, assist the gunners!"

"On it!" her two lives shouted before disappearing into the fight. She kicked away an enemy and slashed another with her sword. Behind her, Luna utilized her swords and her ability to deal as much damage as she could.

12th Laden's armor gleamed as he slammed his sword down on the enemies surrounding Daniel and Pointa.

"Nice!" said Pointa. "A melee support!" He chugged down a bottle of beer before quickly firing shots around.

Arielle, Klein, Chizuru, and Sam were grouped together, defending the back of the campus. A few other classmates joined them earlier, but had to be taken to Arielle's A.D. Room for recovery. Their attacks wore down the waves of Secretive members faster than the rest of the defending groups as they punched, blasted, sliced, and whipped everything near them. Even the birds, which Chizuru called on for help, had to dodge the attacks while dealing their own attacks.

Inside the campus, Vidya was strategizing by herself while her mom participated in the fight outside when one of the enemies broke in through the window. She screamed as he was about to attack, but the latter was quickly pulled out by a gust of wind. Alex jumped in through the hole, followed by the mysterious electric girl.

"Yo," said Alex. "The President wanted me to give this to you."

She handed her a ring with runic patterns on it. After accepting the gift, Vidya asked, "What's this for?"

"You know how the President defends himself, right?"

"Yeah, he has these mystic circles and stuff."

"That ring allows you to gain a part of his powers. Good for self-defense. Anyway, gotta go now. The battlefield's calling."

"Um... Alright."

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