"You corrupt hero" (Chap 12)

Start from the beginning

Zawa- "Humble is one way to say it."

Mido- "Now listen here Mr.Pro Hero not all of us make more money than we can use. You practically sit on a fortune and still look like you're homeless. Did you really take the 'don't bring attention to yourself' lesson in underground heroics too seriously?"

Zawa- "Quite literally, what did I do to you?"

Izuku slowly tilted his head to the side a bit. After about 3 seconds his facial features shifted to those of disbelief.

Mido- "what did you do to me?? Excuse me, did you hear that?"

Zawa- "Right, sorry."

Mido- "NO ABSOLUTELY NOT! Do you want a fucking list?!"

Zawa- "No. No I do not."

Mido- "cus I can GIVE you a list."

Zawa- "Stop."

By now Aizawa looked absolutely exasperated. He started to walk away from the still very much ranting teenager.

Zawa- "Don't we have things to get, maybe save the yelling for the car ride."

Mido- "Fine. I'll do that, but not because you told me to."

Zawa- "Yes yes its because you're a very much independent vigilante who deciding alone that what we're doing is more important than yelling at me."

Aizawa smirked a bit at his statement as Izuku seemed to pout a bit and look away. Rolling his eyes, the hero went back to scouring through the piles of boxes and cupboards. Izuku direct him, leading him to every item they needed. Safe to say, the hero was surprised by the good quality equipment.

Zawa- "Where did you even get this kind of machinery?"

Mido- "If you think I stole it, I didn't."

Aizawa gave the teen a disbelieving look. 

Mido- "I didn't! I swear! Goddamnit teach, have some faith in your students."

Zawa- "That said faith led me to ignore the very obvious signs of you being a vigilante since 10."

Izuku opened his mouth as if to speak, but then closed it and rolled his eyes. He decided to not refute the statement and just return back on topic.

Mido- "First, I didn't steal it. Second, I paid for half of it and made some of it with John's help. Third, just cus you were naive doesn't mean you can take it out on me. I was assuming for more time but things got messy earlier than they were supposed to and I was sloppy."

Zawa- "I'd hardly call that sloppy."

Mido- "Why thank you, but clearly it wasn't clean enough considering my current position."

Zawa- "Your options were either death or telling me."

Mido- "I should have taken my chances."

The teacher took a stress ball from the counter at threw at the teen, hitting him square in the head. 

Mido- "Ow."

Izuku rubbed his hand over the back of his head as he turned around with a slight glare. Aizawa rolled his eyes before going back to rummaging through the various piles of random pieces machinery. 

Aizawa didn't comment on the scrap metal that hit his shoulder a few minutes later-




Hawks sighed to himself as he hid on the roof of an abandoned mental hospital. He hated how he was being monitored 24/7 by the hero commission, but at least he knew how to get around them. He knew his hero personality did well in convincing them he was content with being their pet, oblivious to the world around him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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