Let's shake on it (chap 11)

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(Asked and you shall receive, Kareem has made an appearance- Affoa)

Kareem wasn't having the best day. His mission had been going well, until of course, the hero commission got involved. He was on an assignment, an undercover one, but he might have gotten a bit side tracked. More like he did what he had to do quickly and spent the rest of his time on his own mission. Not reporting for that long would get him in trouble but he couldn't have the hero commission knowing about his little side quest.

Currently he was in an abandoned warehouse, listening in on some deals going about. What he heard wasn't exactly good. Word of a new type of drug was on the market, had something to do with the Yakuza, a group he was sent here for originally. The mission he was sent on was simply information gathering. With the nature of his quirk, black and white, it allowed him to be completely unseen in the case of being caught. His quirk was versatile in many means.

Though BlackOut was an pro hero, he had no issue in going undercover. He was quite the actor, and his quirk was practically 2 in one. His abilities were kept secret though. He refused to let the hero commission know of such skills and put him on super watch. He'd been warned by EraserHead, one of the top underground pros in Japan. No way was the young adult going to ignore that advice.

Still, here he sat, on some old wood panels, in the roof of a warehouse, watching an interaction he had no business eaves dropping on. Way to stay under the radar of the commission. The hero did admit it was dumb, but it was important. This was Averta's business, something he needed more information on. If it was to help Salvare and the people being bought and traded, then he'd risk his life ten times over. Meruem did it, Izuku did it, Salvare, Eraser, Tsukuachi, everyone, so now it was his turn.

Currently he was watching over a group of men speaking to one. He didn't recognize the men as it was too dark, but luckily for him, the lone adult was under a light, making his features perfectly seen. The deal was between this group and a famous broker. He had direct contact between many large underground associations, including the league of villains. From what BlackOut was hearing, it wasn't short of the Yakuza either. Giran was the man's name. Nothing too ominous or suspecting, but nothing too short of forgettable. Perfect for his line of work.

Still, the pro was sure to stay hidden and listen in. His job wasn't to pick a fight, it was to observe. Winning one battle didn't equal winning the war, he had enough experience to know that much, whether from his hero work- or childhood. He could hear everything perfectly, thanks to a support item he had specially made in secret. He knew to be prepared. From obtaining support items to an escape vehicle in hiding, he was minimizing the risks as much as he could.

The conversation below was going as such. They agreed to give money, weapons, and manpower in return for the hot drug on the market. Despite the substance being in its experimental phase and having a short effect, they were willing to pay just about anything within range for it. Kareem couldn't place why they were desperate, but he gathered that it made their "shows" more entertaining. It made him sick to his stomach, so much so that he wanted to pummel them all to the ground this instant, but he didn't.

Instead he recorded the entire conversation. He was glad he had that feature included in the ear piece he purchased. This recording would be shared with the special team led by Tsukuachi. Considering no one else has anything to do with Averta, or even knows they're an up and coming threat, no one else needs to know. Especially not the hero commission.

An hour passed, maybe two, the hero couldn't tell as he sat their in silence. What he was listening to was quite literally a criminal transaction, and yet he wasn't taking any action. It hurt him inside, but he knew he couldn't act rashly. He needed to take this evidence and bring it back, for now however, he'd leave right after them. Making sure not to get caught as he quietly made his escape.

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