Anne doesn't react to the second chirp and turns to Jay. "Why would I know their names, Jay? What do you know that I don't?" She demands of her friend, fixing her with a strict, motherly look. While the Omegas are around the same age, they both have raised children and their tendency to fall into their motherly role, even with each other, is natural. 

Jay fixes her friend with a mischievous look. "All I'll say is their last name is Meyers."

Anne gasps. Quickly turning to the boys, she examines their faces. She looks at Edward first, whose stone-like face has a sharp jaw that matches his brothers and fierce green eyes. Marcel has lighter green eyes, more sea green, and his brows are more expressive, twitching as he thinks. Harry, although his facial structure is the same with his sharp jaw and strong brow, is softer, with softer skin and bright green eyes. As she looks at Harry, she chirps. 

At the chirp, Harry chirps back, not even knowing what he is doing, cocking his head in confusion after. "What is that?" 

Anne and Jay give Harry a confused look. "What is what, dear?" Anne asks.

"What's that sound? Why am I making it? What's going on?" Harry is freaking out a bit, the only reason he still is outwardly calm is that his mates are there, not sensing danger. 

"You don't know?" Anne asks, shocked, "That's a chirp, dear. It's a normal sound for an Omega to make. Why don't you know that, darling?"

"I've never made it before. I wasn't taught as an Omega, I couldn't. I only know some basics that I was able to pick up from observation."

Jay steps in, gently guiding Harry. "It's okay, Harry. We understand. Just close your eyes."

Harry looks at her, searching for any trickery, before glancing at his mates and closing his eyes. 

"Good. Now, what do you smell?"

Harry takes a second to allow the smells to distinguish themselves. 

"I smell Eddie and Marcy. I smell you. And... I sm..elllllll," Harry gasps, quickly opening his eyes to look at Anne, eyes flashing green before saying, "Mum."

Edward and Marcel stiffen, smelling the air to try and catch a hint of their 'mum'. Omega senses are supposed to dull in the presence of their Alphas, they knew that, so how Harry could smell their 'mum' before them, confused them greatly. 

"Are you sure, Haz? We don't smell her. There's no way she could have found us and we would sense her if she did."

Harry's not listening, just staring at the woman in front of him, cataloguing her features. Suddenly, he jumps off the table and launches himself to hug Anne.

"Mummy," he whispers softly, his mates barely hearing him from where he's tucked in her neck, drowning himself in her scent.

Edward and Marcel relax slightly, understanding that Harry is not saying the woman they called 'mum' their whole lives is here, but rather that this woman is their mother. Anne and Harry have tears running down their faces, wetting each other's shoulders as they scent-mark each other. 

"Oh, darling. You're so beautiful. I never thought I'd see you again. Any of you. You're all so grown up and handsome and beautiful and, oh, I'm so happy. And so, so sorry."

"It's okay, mummy, we're here now. We found each other." 

Anne pulls back, drawing a whine out of Harry. She chuckles as she admires his face, her thumb wiping away his tears. She looks over his shoulder to Edward and Marcel, who haven't moved but don't seem too opposed to their mate hugging her. She smiles warmly at them, understanding that it will take them a little longer to accept her.

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