Chapter 4: Rivendell

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 The next morning, Lyra was up before any of the dwarves and had all her stuff ready to go on the ponies that were waiting outside. While she feed her horse a apple, she heard the door open and shut.

"Good morning." the dwarf said gruffly. Lyra released a breath, trying not to let her patience run thin.

"Morning." Lyra stated firmly. "What is your name?"

"Dwalin." the dwarf answered. Lyra looked at him for a moment to get it straight in her mind, so she don't confuse him with a different dwarf.

"If I accidently call you someone else, I apologize now." Lyra added, "It will take me a hot minute to keep you all straight."

Dwalin gave her a small nod and smile before packing up his own pony. The silence between them growing with each passing moment. The other dwarves finally pilled out of the house with Thorin following last. The dwarven prince claimed one of the few ponies left that was suitable for riding. Lyra watched him silently remembering the conversation between herself, Fili and Kili only hours ago. Could she end up falling in love with this dwarf? Would the pair try not to rip each others heads off by the end of this quest?

"Let's getting going!" Thorin hissed to everyone, shaking Lyra out of her thoughts. Lyra dug her heals into the pony and urged it forward. She took one last look at Bilbo's home and hoped he would join in on the adventure. And if not, she hoped him well.


Lyra and the rest of the company made it a few miles outside of the Shire before they heard someone calling.

"Wait! Wait!"

Lyra turned her head slightly and out of the corner of her eye she saw a small hobbit running towards them.

"I signed it." Bilbo said, breathing hard and holding up the contract. The oldest dwarf, whose name Lyra learned was Balin, took it from him and looked it over.

"Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." Balin smiled.

"Give him a pony." Thorin hissed before looking forward again. Lyra motioned her pony forward as Bilbo stuttered about keeping up on foot. Lyra slowed her horse as soon as she reached Thorin's.

"You could be a bit nicer." Lyra hissed.

Thorin rolled his eyes saying, "And what do you consider to be nice?"

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Lyra retorted as Thorin moved the company right along.

"Since the moment I met you, you've not said one nice thing. You've been rude, sarcastic, among other things." Thorin hissed. "So do not be telling me to be nice, if you aren't going to."

"I'll have you know I am a peach!" Lyra retorted, earning a belly laugh from Thorin. Lyra gritted her teeth together facing forward.

"Well then!" Lyra hissed under her breath. Lyra kept her head straight and didnt utter another word until they stopped to rest for the night on a cliff.

"Bombur." Thorin nodded.

"On it!" Bombur nodded moving to the campfire and getting the supper going. Lyra took her pack and laid it out close enough to the edge, far enough away from the others but not far from where Thorin set up his. Whether Lyra planned it or it was out of habit when they travelled to the Shire together, Lyra wasn't certain.

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