The Battle Starts

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As soon as Thanos fighters enter the planet atmosphere Yondu gave the order to his men to attack as they sneaked in Sanctuary II through the open platform.

Meanwhile in the planet the battle had begun, Thor summoned Mjolnir lightning's and started to bring down as many ships as he could while Loki took them down with magic blasts, Rocket coordinated Yondu' s men attacks.

As the first ships arrived unharmed to the surface carrying Thano's soldiers the rest of the team joined the fight.

-Come on Volstagg you are going to miss all the fun!-Fandral shouted to his delayedfriend.

-I doubt we will ran out of enemies, and remind me how is this fun?.- Volstagg answered him as he encountered the first soldiers.

-Where's you sense of adventure Volstagg?-Lady Sif asked him while she ended killing all the soldiers within her reach with her sword.

-I'd rather share a goo d meal and a jar of mead. - Volstagg answered her while disposing of another enemy.

-I will buy you all the mead you want when we get back.-Fandral told him.

-In that case — Volstagg answered —Let's get on with it.- He carried one of the soldiers over his head and smashed him against a new group of upcoming warriors.

Drax was also having fun, nothing made him happier than destroying his enemies. Groot looked out his back, the creature was as deadliest to his foes as protective of his friends.

It didn't took long for Thanos to find Loki who was creating havoc against his fighters.

Loki saw Thanos approaching at the distance and instantly surrounded himself with an army of clones, he knew he wasn't a match for Thanos in an open fight, but he might be able to outsmart him. Either way he needed to keep him from returning to his ship, he had to give the twins and Gamora enough time to escape with the gem.-

Knives and magic blasts helped him to keep himself away from Thano's reach, he even managed to disable Thano's flying throne making it crash against the surface with a loud explosion.

As the smoke dimmed Loki could see Thanos figure walking out of the crash site pretty much unharmed.

"-Damn it! Not even a scratch"- Loki thought to himself.

-Why so coy runt? Afraid of fighting me up close?-Thanos taunted him.

-I already told you O'm not scared of you.-Loki shouted him back.

-Oh! But you are. I can see it in yout eyes.-Thanos smiled maniacly

-"He's trying to distract me"-Loki thought -"So I will make a mistake".-

Suddenly Thanos added — Couldn't stay away for long trickster, did you missed me? Maybe you missed the way I you felt when I made you kneel.-

Loki's face blanched up before becoming red with rage, he forgot his plan as pure hatred blinded him, all the anger and resentment he had hidden over the years suddenly emerged.

The sudden burst of adrenaline made him and his clones faster for a moment.

-I will kill you for what you did to me, you pathetic creature.-Loki snarled as he threw magic energy bolts against Thanos that made him retreat a few steps.

-I doubt that runt. I'll be delighted to correct you again my errant child.-Thanos mocked him.

-I am not your child! - Loki shrieked as he forgot all prudence and attacked Thanos directly.

Loki's Quest (Loki Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें