*The day of the battle royale had finally come and Athena sat in one of the waiting rooms with Lane as they tried to come up with a strategy to win the battle*
Athena: Well the battle royale is in an hour, i need a plan if i'm going to win today.
Lane: Well let's take a look at what our options are. Main will likely wait in the center as you and Bella fight it out.
Athena: No, i plan on fighting Main first. Bella if she lasts that long will be saved for last.
Lane: I see well.. like i said, Main will likely take center stage and it uses Bellas Ultimate System so you'll have to work if you want to defeat it.
Athena: Well it doesn't matter, Main is going down today.
Lane: Are you sure you're ok? you seem to be rather intense.
Athena: I'm simply taking this seriously, like anyone else should. I want to beat him even if it kills me!
Lane: That's not the Athena i know.
Athena: W-What?!
Lane: The Athena i know wouldn't act out in rage. She'd try to fight in the way that makes her special, not act out in anger and vengeance.
*Athena sighed and took a deep breath and smiled*
Athena: I get it.. Thanks Lane, i needed to hear that. What other strategies have you got for me?
*Bella and Rangara were talking it out about a potential strategy she could use in the battle royale*
Rangara: Supreme Michael, the bey is a literal tank. It can turn from jagged to smooth in an instant, you need to hit it before it can switch modes.
Bella: But it has a lot of stamina to boot. That kind of momentum will knock Beherit back in an instant, even with my new launcher!
Rangara: That is true... how about attacking when Athena is still locked in a clash, she'll likely be going for Main first anyway.
Bella: I don't really want to get in her way though.. I know how much getting back at Main means to her..
Rangara: This is no time to be worrying about what others think! She isn't on your team here and you aren't on hers, you are free to battle however you want!
*Bella sighed and pouted, her hair drooping a bit*
Bella: I guess..
*Rangara sighed and shook Bella to her senses*
Rangara: God damn it! Get a grip already!! You already lost to Aiga once and Athena twice in the time that you've had your new Beherit, you need to start taking this more seriously!
Bella: I am taking this seriously!!
Rangara: Well then start acting like it! The battle is just in an hour and we've gotten nowhere in the strategy briefing!!
*Bella just looked down, her bey glowing in her hand*
Bella: Then i guess i'll just come up with a plan of my own then!!
*Bella got up and stomped out of the room, leaving Rangara alone in the room by himself*
Rangara: Man, what a drag..
*It was another 20 Minutes until the Battle Royale started and Main stood alone in the training room, placing his bey upon his launcher*
Main: Obsidian Beherit and Final Adeona... Both are attack types so i have a major type disadvantage.. However, i can fight both of them with Supreme Lightning! Both of them won't know what hit them!

Story Of Lanes Sister: Athena || ~Beyblade Burst Sparking OC Story~
FanfictionNote: I should mention this is a Sparking AU Story Of Lanes Sister: Athena || ~Beyblade Burst Sparking OC Story~ Athena, a 10 year old girl who happens to be the younger sister of Lane Valhalla. Once obtaining Lucifer, Lane abandoned everything, his...