Entry number one

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Dear my internet friends,

Okay so my life isn't the most interesting thing in the world. And you probably don't want to hear about it but I'm going to tell you about it anyway. First of all, I am known as a loser. I don't fit into a what do you call it? "group". I'm part geek, jock, tomboy, art freak and wannabe girly girl. But people just look at me like I am a loser.

I started to get attention in the bad way a few month ago because may have punched the "leader" of the main clique, Kylie in her stupid little face. It was totally her fault though. She was the one who threw the first punch... well slap actually. Someone pushed me and the smallest drop of my coffee went onto her Gucci whatever purse and she went full on jungle bitch. She started to scream and then proceeded to slap me. After I punched her she called me the ludicrous bitch and from that moment on I have been called nothing but either psycho bitch or just down right loser.

Anyway, so the other day I'm in art class and we are making pots and cups out of clay and of course I have to sit next to Kylie. And she's just bitching to our teacher about how the clay will ruin her $50 manicure. Art class is one of the classes I actually like besides P.E. and History and she just loves to ruin it for me. One thing good did happen though. There was a new student that is in my art class and he is a fantastic artist. I saw some of his drawings and they were beautiful. So I finished my cups last class and the new kid needed help with his. The teacher told me to help him out and to show him how to do it. And as I was guiding his hands he started talking to me.

"Hey I'm Jessie by the way" he says to me

"Hi I'm Lilly" I tell him

"So I've heard that your some psycho" he says

Shit, he's already heard about me. I think to myself. There goes my chance of getting to know someone that doesn't know me already. I guess he saw the look on my face because he quickly said "Don't worry, I'm not going to judge you based of of what other people think" Now He's a keeper. I think.

I start to laugh which was extremely embarrassing because the room was completely quiet. "Good, but I'm warning you that it's kind of true" I say in a sarcastic voice. He starts laughing which was again extremely embarrassing because you know, quiet room. And of course the teacher yells at us to be quiet and then separates us. Typical

Later that day I was in the library eating my lunch, alone of course. When I saw a large animal on the ground outside by the window. I walked over to the window and I soon realized that it wasn't an animal. It was a person. I open the window, and take out the screen then jump onto the pavement. I see that he is breathing, Thanks gods. I turn him on his back and I see that the person is Jessie. His face was covered in bruises and his dark brown hair was soaked in blood.

He starts to mumble something. I lean in closer to try and make out with what he is saying. "look out" he says. As soon as he said that I turn around to see three boys cornering Jesse and I.

"Jason, Travis, and Brandon" I say while slowly getting up. Being careful to stay in front of Jesse. Now Jason is a tall and muscular blond haired guy who is champion in his weight class in wrestling. Travis and Brandon just follow Jason around and does whatever he says. They are almost like the boy version of Kylie and her clones. "What did you do to Jesse?"

"Who? Oh him. Yeah he told us we where being jerks for calling you a psyco bitch" Jason says in a voice that made me want slap him.

"Why did you have to beat him up?" I ask.

"Because we can" Brandon says.

"That doesn't mean you should" I scream at him.

"Oh shit the librarian is walking to the window, we gotta run" Jason says. All three boys start sprinting to the other side of the school. I look at the window and try to signal Mrs.Chase (the librarian). She finally spots me and opens the window.

With her tan cardigan flapping in the wind she asks me what happened. I told her that the three boys where the ones to do this. Of course she dent believe that the Mr. Perfects can do anything like that so she takes me to the office while the school nurse calls the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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