Finally all four of them ducked under a closing door within the treasure room, having to duck under rather low and crab walk their way out from under. Standing once more once they entered the room and Katie glanced around impressed, this was Lance dream room and he finally found it, even if it would be destroyed within minutes. She felt bad her brother didn't really have a dream room in this place but she knew he'd at least write one hell of a book from this adventure. 

Running towards the main door they all knew would leave them to the nearest exit, Shiro mostly remembering the way from before they got chased by mummy priests. Mostly Keith lead them through the halls but Shiro was thankful for always remembering routes he's taken.

Lance coming to a sliding stop, his arms stretching out before he spun in a circle, having a bit of celebration over finding the room before pouting as he was about to lose it. Katie glancing to her empty hand before coming to a halt and yanking Shiro to stop before she nodded towards Lance. Matt already trying to pull his boyfriend along, away from the treasure. 

Letting each other hands go as they rush back for Lance and Shiro was starting to understand why Lance and Katie was close enough to be siblings. They were rather similar over certain matters and Shiro prayed that Matt was the adult out of the three siblings.

"Couldn't we just-" Lance begged like a child, eyeing up the gold a little.

"No, Lance!" Katie huffed back as she tried slowing down, not wanting to crash into Lance since they'll just waste time standing up.

"We really can't" Shiro replied, reaching Lance first as he was getting real good at quick stops thanks to this adventure.

Both of them soon grabbing one of Lance arms each before running for it again, dragging a sulking Lance with them. Matthew filling the rear with his hands pushed into Lance back and helping to push him along. Shiro secretly agreed that he will never take all three siblings on one single adventure ever again. Mostly because he doesn't have enough arms to drag them all and one would clearly be thrown over his shoulder if he had to drag them all at the same time. 

Slinging Lance towards the stairs as they noticed the ceiling door still closing near the top of the stairs making them panic. Shiro grabbing Pidge hand and helping her up the stairs the best he could as Lance carried on rushing ahead with Matt beside him, completely out of his gold trance now they had a bit of stone trying to crush them.

Slav popping up somewhere behind them, rushing through the treasure room seeing the back of Shiro and Katie before they turned round a corner heading to the only door at the top of the stairs.

"Shirogane!" Slav cried out as he almost reached the top of the stairs.

Lance, Matt, Katie and Shiro all crouching down as the ceiling became too low for them to stand but the door was close enough for them to reach it in time knowing they'll be completely trapped if they tried running back down the stairs.

Shiro and Katie taking no notice of Slav calling out and just rushing onwards, eyes focused on the door and making sure at least the four of them escaped before dying with Slav. Lance crawling into the door as it was almost completely shut, turning round and offering his hand to help drag the others in to the hall. Matthew ran ahead and shoving an old broken mirror under a closing door ahead to help buy them time and use it.  Shiro slinging Katie a little, helping her slide under before he jumped down on his stomach and got crawling up, Katie and Lance pulling him in the hall as soon as they could.

"Shirogane! Wait!" Slav cried out, ducking down as the stairs ceiling stayed lowering but the door already almost completely shut.

Shiro laying down, offering his hand out to Slav and waving for him to hurry, they might be able to slide him through if he pushed himself. At worst, Slav would just be crushed to death by the door or lose a leg or two.

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