A Toast..

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"Ah, Shirogane. Ever since the end of the Great War, there hasn't been a single challenge.." Iverson started to complain as he wobbles after Shiro who lets out a heavy sigh, not wanting to be bothered by the man right now. 

But Shiro carries on heading to the bar, rather wanting a drink down his throat if he has to deal with anyone else today. Leaving Iverson to step into the fountain again and gives Shiro the chance to flick Lance ear before sitting beside him. Leaving Matthew left sitting on the other side to Lance. 

"..Worthy of a man like me" Iverson finishes his conversation as he get's out of the fountain and heads towards the three who all share the same look over having to deal with an old man rants right now. 

"Yeah? Welcome to the club, we've all gout our little problems today" Matthew sighed as he watched his boyfriend pour them all a shot glass of whiskey, all of them agreeing on needing a drink right now. 

"At least the creature didn't sass me back" Shiro grumbled under his breath. 

"I just wish I could have chucked it in with the others and gone down in flame and glory. Instead of sitting around here rotting of boredom and booze. Cheers" Iverson carried on his rant as Shiro and Matthew both quickly grabbed their own shot glasses, Shiro drinking his in all one go while Matthew watched unimpressed as Iverson simply stole Lance glass and drank it as if it was his own. 

Lance frowned in disgust as he was passed the empty glass back, staring at it is if it was now poisoned. Matthew taking it from him and passing over his own shot glass for him to drink before he waved the bartender down for another shot glass. Pouring his boyfriend whiskey inside of it and chugging it down with ease, earning an impressed look from Shiro while Lance simply sipped on his own drink.

"Oh well, back to the airfield" Iverson laughed back, slapping both Lance and Shiro backs before happily wobbling away again. Passing Antok and Regris as they entered the bar. 

"Tell me, honestly. Has your sister always been-" Shiro started to ask as he placed his empty glass down, glancing towards Lance before being spoken over by him. 

"Yes, always" Lance answered with a nod, pouring more whiskey in all three of their glasses as he knew they all had something to rant about now. 

"She started at her terrible two's and never grew out of it" Matthew admitted with a tired look as he felt Shiro pain over having to face his sister. 

"We're all packed but the boast doesn't leave till tomorrow" Regris announced as he came to a stop on the other side of Matt, staying standing as he leaned against the bar edge. 

"Tail set firmly between your legs, I see" Lance stated as he waved at the bartender for more shot glasses for his two friends to use. 

"Americans. They only know how to shoot and run once they can't shoot anymore" Matthew joked but his low mood stopped any humour from filling his tone and it just came out empty instead. 

"You don't have a sacred walking corpse after you" Regris huffed back, fear still clear in his eyes after he learnt what was going to track him down and try to kill him. He was happy to run for his life while he could. 

"But we will do" Matthew admitted with a weak smile, passing over a glass to Regris before the two threw back the alcohol, swallowing them hole and slamming their empty glasses back down. 

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