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Hi guys it's me...
I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long💔
I haven't been feeling well and my grades were absolute shit, lmao. But I'm getting back in the swing of things. Just wanted to thank yall for reading this it means a lot!

 But you know what would also be great...if u guys made requests or at least commented🥲
Hope yall enjoy this chapter<3

I sigh while looking at the left over rain drops from the small but previous rain storm. Why'd he have to be such a dick...a handsome, sweet, son of a bitch, bush headass mother fucke-

"Y/N, I have more papers for you to fill out, oh and don't forget to schedule a lunch with Jiji. Me and her need to discuss some important buis-"

"Okay, sir... " I say while quickly getting up. I grab my notebook and pen and head down the hall towards Kita's office. 

What you were wearing btw

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

What you were wearing btw.....

Flashback 2 days ago.......

The storm lasted for 2 days. Luckily, you knew how to have fun. 

Y/N pov 

"Alright, which game should we play? Candy land or Uno?" I hold up to Sakusa. He looks at the games distastefully.


I blushed when he looked away. His pouting face is so cute. I sighed and got up. "Hey, where are you going?" I gave him a soft smile "I'm just gonna go put these away...". I walk off to put the sadly unwanted games. 

I look down at the floor of the closet and smirk. 

"Prepare to be beaten at the world's hardest game!!" I say uncovering a PlayStation. Sakusa just looks at me un-amused. "What, in the hell, is that?" he asks while cleaning his hands with hand-sanitizer and a Kleenex. 

"It's a PlayStation moron..." I say while sticking out my tongue. He cringes and slowly stands up. He places a glove on his hand and takes the box from my hand. "Does it even work?" he asks while examining it. 

I snatch it back and stick my tongue out. "Of course it does dummy." I say while walking over to the T.V and hook it up. I feel him looking at me with craz intensity. I turn around and give him a smile. He turns around and clears his throat, his face turning a bright crimson red. I chuckle at hims cuteness and get back to work.

"THERE! All done." I say while dusting off my hands. I turned to look at Sakusa only to find out he had fallen asleep. 

I grab a blanket and wrap it around his shoulders, or, at least I tried. He snuggled into the blanket (which I found was really cute) and sighed. I kissed his head and walked off to my room.

I guess it was getting late. I slid under my sheets and turned off the lights. I started to doze and eventually fell asleep.

I woke up feeling refreshed. I rubbed my eyes and tried to get out of bed, but, I couldn't. I turned around to see Sakusas cute sleeping face. I kissed his nose causing his eyes to flutter open. 

What if I told You I liked You?(Sakusa x reader) *DISCONTINUED*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat