Gay teachers, Gossip, and more

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Sammy pov:

"Hey Mr.Grier! You said you needed me to-OH MY GAWD!" I shielded my eyes from whats happening in front of me.

"OH oh, Sammy! What'd you need?" Mr.Grier asked pulling out of Mr.Dallas and buckling his jeans.

"Uhh, I needed to take a test. I missed a day last week." I said blankly trying to get the image of my teachers doing the frickle frackle with each other out of my head.

He grabbed my shoulders and lead me to the door.

"Let's just say this never happened and you'll get an A." He whispered in my ear before shoving me in the hallway so he could continue his *GULP* "work".

"SAMUEL WILKINSON." I heard a nasally voice from behind me.

"Fuck." I sighed to myself

"WHAT WAS THAT." God this guy is annoying

"I said 'what do you need oh-dear princepal of mine who i respect and adore so much." I made sure to lace my voice in sarcasm.

"Where were you just now." nosey much?

"In Mr.Griers room. You can check, but i'll knock if i were you..." I answer truthfully.

"I won't spend another minute than i have to on the likes on you."He sneered at me.

"You didn't have to spend one to begin with." I throw him a smile

"Menace." He started to give me a pat-down.

"Woah! Princepal Mcmillan! Dinner and a movie first!" I laugh while he looks at me in disgust.

"Where is it?" The nasal voice gets more stern.

"Where's what." I ask even though i know what he's looking for.

"Your drugs pothead." He glared at me. He once found me smoking and flipped out even though it was off school property... Dumbass

"What! What!" I threw out my sammy catchphrase.

"We're not leaving until you give it to me so i can expel you."

"Isn't it kinda, i don't know, against the rules to not let a student go to lunch?" I asked smirking.

He just gave me a dirty look and left. But not without confiscating my chocolate bar that was in my back pocket.

*at lunch*

I walk over to where the Jacks, Shawn, Taylor, and Mahogany are sitting.

"Sorry i was late, Mcmillan was violating me. You guys still love me?" I ask sitting down.

"Yeah we still luurrvveeee you." Jack j and Mahogony said in synch then high-fived each other.

We all just kinda talked about nothing until Johnson(AKA the gossip queen) suddenly stood up.

"Guys, guess what!!!" He wisper-yelled. This is going to be good.

"What?!?!" We all asked together.

"Hayes Grier is dating Aaron Carpenter!!!"

Gasps where formed around the group.

"COCK!!!" We all ignored taylor.

"Mr.Grier's brother?!?!" shawn has a weakness for drama. Guess he picked the right group of friends...

"The freshman?" Gilinsky chimed in.

"Yes!!!" Johnson squealed in excitement

"Guess it runs in the family..." I said casually.

"What?" Shawn asked wanting to know more.

School Sucks |Skammy|and other shipsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin