Amon yelled at the top of his lungs "Tonight, I rid the world of airbending, forever" Basically taunting Korra to come down and stop him, as he was about to get rid of one of the airbending kids bending Mako shot a lighting strike right at Amon, in that very moment with all her might inside (y/N) thought "This is it just jump in front of it, Spirits this is going to hurt" Her body leapt in front of Amon the lighting striking her forehead until she saw,


The battle there were bits and pieces that she could remember, Korra Rushing on to stage, the airbenders getting freed, Her being carried off somewhere. She didn't know anymore all she could feel was pain, her face was on fire and the muddled voices of people filled her brain as she laid in the pitch black void she now called home.

A particular voice stuck out, Lin's voice. Spirits it was the rough yet sweet one you always remembered, you subconsciously smiled to yourself knowing your girlfriend was safe. But her voice was a little different, reminding you of the time you had suffered a grave shoulder injury in your younger years. The woman wouldn't shut up about how reckless you were and put you on patrol duty for months, but she wasn't mad that same voice was one of pure concern and not anger. Lin always puts up a front in front of everyone. That was probably one of the most attractive things about her, it was adorable how sweet she was with you at home.

You didn't know how long it had been in the bin but you woke up, it was cold. You were in a pool of water with most of your clothes gone apart from some important ones so you wouldn't either freeze to death or be fully exposed, it looked like a small hut nobody else was there but it looked familiar. You had been there before. This was the healing hut in the South pole, you had been there before because of said shoulder injury and Katara had healed it with spirit water so luckily it had only left a scar. But your body was fully submerged and you had just noticed a patch over your left eye and bandages around your forehead, you tried to move.

Keywork Tried.

The pain was worse than from when you had been launched out of a building from an explosive and that was not fun at all, but as you tried to move the door behind you slowly shifted open. You calmly then say "I haven't been here for quite some time haven't I....Katara" The small chuckle of the old lady behind you made you smile as she kneeled by your side "Why yes Commander (Y/N), I heard you threw yourself in the way of a lightning strike, unconsciously". A nervous laugh came from the non bender as she looked away a bit "Yeah about that I actually willed myself to do that, but hey it worked seems like I'm back to normal". Katara's smile soon formed into a frown as she took a deep breath "Well not exactly the Strike had left quite a scar on your face, your body has recovered luckily but I cannot get this scar to go away unfortunately" (Y/N) sighed as she shook her head, looking at Katara sympathetically "I kinda knew this was going to happen, or that I was going to die either or really. But it's not your fault I promise. The only thing I need to worry about is my tyrant of a Girlfriend".

They both laughed as Katara said "Well you should be able to move soon, would you like me to go get Lin?, I think you know but she's lost her bending and so has Korra". (Y/N) sighed thinking of her options before jokingly saying "Tell her that I'm awake, but I'd rather be able to move before I see her if that's okay" So with a nod she left, it got very quiet as you heard another door open and close.

After another 20 or maybe 30 minutes she didn't know any more, the door from the other room where she though Korra might be in there was a bit of a commotion before lin's voice was heard loud and clear "But you're the best healer in the world, you have to keep trying!" It seems that Katara couldn't heal Korra and restore her bending. The outside had gotten a lot more loud and so she attempted to move again and this time it actually worked, So (Y/N) slowly got out and using the towel provided wiped herself down before finding her clothes and putting them on. There also stood a cane provided for (Y/N) so she could walk better, so with her wobbly legs she slowly walked to the door and slowly slid it open. She was met with silence as everyone in the room, The airbending family, team avatar, katara, Korra's parents and most importantly Lin all stared at you.

You cleared your throat and said "Uh....good morning, anyone make breakfast?" With you just waking up only 40 minutes ago your perception on reading the room was out of whack, so you nervously waddled your way in as Korra stormed her way out the door. She sat down on the couch awkwardly as everyone either stayed inside or walked out to try to go find Korra, your eyes darted everywhere but your lover.

(Y/N) knew what was coming, but she just wasn't ready to confront her yet, but unfortunately she didn't really have a choice as Lin walked towards her and kneeled down in front of the chair, (Y/N) just waited. Soon enough Lin began talking in that stren but caring voice you know "(y/N) Mako and Katara told me everything that happened...". A silence swept through the room as (Y/N) could only say "I'm sorry..." "What?" A confused and surprised Lin spoke, her hand gripped (Y/N)'s knees as the nonbender finally got the courage to look towards her lover "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, I'm sorry I got captured, I'm sorry I got hurt.....I'm sorry, I still cant believe after all these years you still haven't realised how much of an idiot I am." Her eyes like waterfalls now, the raw emotion spewing out of her mouth uncontrollably as Lin just sat and listened.

After a little bit Lin finally retorted "You don't have to be sorry, not one bit. You are the bravest people I have ever met, you do everything in your power to help those around you. You have put up with me for so many years that I can't even count. Sure you may get injured but you bounce back every time with that damn smile that I fell for the first time we met." She lifted her hand and wiped (y/N)'s tears before cupping her cheeks " You are someone I would happily live the rest of my life with, and listen I know we agreed on no weddings or fancy rings or anything. But I did want to give you this after the whole Amon thing" She pulled out two small rings on chains and sighed "I want to call you my wife, Not just my girlfriend, I know we don't need rings but I hope this can be more of a token that were always with each other". (Y/N) was lost for words.

It took her a moment before saying "If you wanted me to say I do that badly you could have just asked" Lin scoffed with a smile and just put the chain around both of their necks "You're so annoying you know that" She grumbled trying to hide the smile, before (y/N) cupped her scarred cheek saying "I know and you love it" they shared a sweet kiss before parting. Katara cleared her throat a bit before saying "I think we should get those bandages off", with a small nod Lin stepped back as the scar was revealed. It was all across her forehead and went down her left eye before disappearing, the scared looked like if the lightning had been trapped in her skin itself. With it having smaller bits coming off of it.

(If you want a reference search lighting scar)

(Y/N) sighed and said "Do I look Badass or What?" tring to lighten the mood as she stood up with her cane, she wobbled up to Lin as she said "Very". Mako burst through the door saying "Lin! Korra gets her bending back!, she can restore your bending!" The couple looked at each other before walking outside to go restore her bending.


Lin's bending had been restored and everyone was celebrating, Mako had come up to (Y/N) to apologise but she just laughed and punched his arm "It's fine, you didn't mean to anyways". It had been a rough battle for them all but luckily they made it out alive and well.

Well kinda.

End of Book 1

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