Chap 6

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Hi Humans, so um yeah something happened recently in my personal life, so that's why I've been a little quiet to a point but yeah.

So new chap that is great and stuff, this chap is just a mix of everything, wholesome, sad, cute, more sad. wait a sec.

anyways enjoy


It had been days since (Y/N) and Lin had both resigned from their Jobs and today the new Chief and Force Captain, it was a tough call on both of them since they both loved their Jobs so much. It was only after, the realisation quicked in and dread settled in quite quickly for (Y/N). The fact that Lin had chosen Saikhan as the new Chief and Ren as Force Captain just made her feel EVEN better, but there was nothing she could do.

So currently (Y/N) was in a crowd in front of the police headquarters alone watching the new Chief give his speech since Lin refused to, a glare crossing her eyes as he took the podium. Behind him standing with arms behind their backs was Tenzin, Korra, Ren and the rest of the council. "It was an honor serving under Chief Beifong and Force Captain (Y/N) for so many years and I wish them a speedy recovery." (Y/N) visibly gagged and rolled her eyes so hard it hurt, he was a good officer but he was the biggest suck up to Lin. He despised (Y/N) since she was always the one to call him out, which caused him to glare and mutter in anger as he stomped away.

"It is with great humility that I take her place as the new Chief of Police. Republic City is facing a threat like none the world has ever seen but there is one man who's been effective against Amon's revolution, Councilman Tarrlok." (Y/N)'s mouth went agape as he wanted the slimy snail-snake smile at the reporters as they took his photo, Tarlock already got to him."That is why for all matters involving the Equalists, I will report directly to him. The police department will lend any and all available resources to the councilman and his task force until we quell this insurgency." By then (Y/N) was already gone, she couldn't handle any more of the words that came from that man's mouth.

Quiet rustling of leaves from the surrounding trees silently filled (Y/N)'s ears as the quiet conversation of passersbys became background noise, the gentle breeze brushing against her face as she approached the house. Usually she'd be stuck in her office doing work, this felt nice. She glided the keys out of her pocket and pushed it into the lock with a bit of force as it smoothly turned to unlock the door. A gentle push of the door revealed a clearly stressed out, lying on the couch in pain looking at files left over that she took from the office.

A sigh left the non-bender's lips as she shut the door with her hip and gently placed the jingling keys on the hook next to the door "Lin, I know you're determined to find your officers as soon as possible. But you're stressing yourself out". The earthbender dropped the file onto her stomach taking a deep and gentle sigh "I know, I'm just a little tense since the situation", the small steps of (Y/N) were heard as she walked towards the currently occupied couch. Brushing off the file onto the ground and replacing her head on her stomach while kneeling on the ground, her arms resting on the couch.

To much to Lin's surprise a small dashed across her face as she lifted a hand to (Y/N)'s hair gently combing through it, the non-bender closing her eyes gently. The moment of silence was bliss to the two, their lives had become such chaos lately they barely got time to themselves or to each other, unless they were going to sleep. A humm brought (Y/N) back to her senses as Lin was the one to break the peaceful silence "I heard the speech on the radio and by the look on your face you're not too pleased about it either". A brisk laugh passed her lips as (Y/N) threw back "You know me too well", this time both of them sharing a laugh.

Through their years together they had always been close, even when she was dating Tenzin, the Incident with she who shall not be named and just generally throughout their lives. When they got together it had to have been the best day of her life, it warmed her heart even just thinking about it. And while the two aren't legally married they live their lives as if they were, marriage was never a concern to them. So long as they loved each other. The thoughts bring (Y/N) back to the time they first met.

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