A Night to Remember

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This was around the time I had this most peculiar shifting experience. On this particular day, I decided to shift on this date (above). Anyway, it was around 12 am, I did my regular shifting routine. I remember trying so hard this time too, but I woke up the next morning. There was no dream that I could remember or even a slight memory of my DR, or me doing my method.

I checked the time, then I realized that it was now 8 in the morning. For about an hour, I did my own thing until I decided to shift again. I wasn't tired, so I thought it be a good opportunity to do so.

And that's what I did. During that shift, I do remember becoming aware at some point, then realizing that I shifted. Here are somethings that I noted from this experience:

- I felt myself breathing. 

Like, I could feel my lungs expand as I took a deep breath, breathing through my nose, then exhaling from my mouth.

- I could feel my the weight of my body.

Ever tried to float in the water when you're swimming? Well, that was the feeling I got whenever I dreamt (I was an avid dreamer, when I was younger). In my dreams, I just exist. Like a spectator if you will. But in this experience, I could feel the weight of my body when I stand. It is similar to this reality.

- I could feel

At one point in this experience, I was able to interact with the people. And we embraced, I could feel their warmth, the tightness of their hug --them giggling too. I won't get into who it was (and no, it wasn't the DR I intended to go to.) But it was nothing that I'd ever experienced.

I don't know what this was exactly, a dream or a reality... But it felt different. And I'd imagine that that is the most important thing about our shifting journeys.


I digress, I realized this wasn't the thing I was going to tell you about. And it would be great to have a second opinion. And maybe I could come up with some hypothetical conclusions as to why these strange occurrences happen. It might be nothing --mind you. But it doesn't hurt to look into stuff like this, right? Well, my curiosity has gotten the better of me.

Back to the first shifting attempt I had today around 12 am. I discovered something happened around that time after consulting my sister about it. (Yes, she believes in shifting. She's just not an avid shifter). Anyway, I found out from her that she does takes notice of my little "naps", but she usually assumes that I shift at those times.

That is slightly true. Sometimes my attempts to shift turn into hour-long naps if I find out that I was too tired to shift.

Anyway, around 12 am while I was shifting, my sister happened to be up at that time. Then, as a typical sister would, she decided to bother me. From what I accounted from her, She walked into my room, and shook the bed that I slept on.

She said something along the lines of: "Your eyes were wide open for like 10 seconds, it was creepy --but I also thought it was funny."

Then I started mumbling, and reached out with both my arms to touch her face. Just so you know, opening my eyes widely, as well as the mumbling is what I usually do when I wake up. That's what my sister told me. The only new thing that I've done was reaching out with my arms (which according to her, I haven't done that in years.)

Why is this important, you may ask? Well, it's because I don't remember ANYTHING. Not me opening my eyes, not me mumbling, or even moving my arms. NOTHING.

And in my opinion, this experience closely correlates to my previous shifting experience.

During this shifting experience, I remember waking up in my bed after having a dream and hearing my sister ask me from outside my room to use my phone to submit her homework online (back during the pandemic). I was irritated because she asked to use my phone yesterday, and I thought she was done, so I told her that my phone was weak, and my charger was broken so she couldn't use it.

Then I remember sitting up from bed then getting up and walking out of my room. I told my sister about the dream I had, and that it ended because she woke me up asking to use my phone for her homework. Then she was like:

"You mean yesterday, right? When I asked to use your phone?"

I was confused, gave her a weird look and said, "No, that was like... a few minutes ago." (after I told her about the dream I had).

We went back and forth about what actually happened and what DIDN'T happen. Which was when I heard HER account about what went down.

So apparently, while I was shifting, my sister woke me up by calling my name three times. And she said that I opened my eyes (my eyes were red btw, maybe from exhaustion?), and assumed that I was listening to her. She poked her head in my room and said that breakfast was ready.

Then, I got up, walked out of my room and stood in the doorframe and said that my phone was weak and my charger was broken. She acknowledged what I said, but she told me that it was more of a statement for no one in particular, implying that I didn't directly tell her about it.

And for the record, NO. I don't remember any of this. Not me hearing my name being called, opening my eyes, seeing her head poke through my door, or her talking about breakfast being ready. This is what she told me herself, while I on the other hand, remember telling her about my weak phone and broken charger while I was IN BED, and that she spoke OUTSIDE of my room. And I did not see her come in.

I think these two experiences are related, and I can't help but think about the clones involving the shifting community. I'm still skeptical about how clones work, and I don't have anything conclusive, but this is sure interesting, don't you think so?

Anyway I hope this gives you some food for thought.

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