How Shifting Has Affected My Dreams

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Just for context, I think you should know that I used to be avid dreamer. Like, as soon as I wake up from a dream, no matter how short or miniscule it is, I write it down. It goes as simple as writing: "I didn't dream last night." or "I know I had a dream about something, but I forgot." Stuff like that. Surprisingly, I forget even the most shortest dreams. Even those that are simple.

But how are dreams related to shifting?-- you might wonder. And just to clear things up, No. Shifting is not dreaming, and dreaming is not shifting. There are distinct differences between them. And assuming that you're familiar with the basic concept of shifting, you should know that your desired reality (not dream reality) feels just like this reality (your current reality).

This is if you're seeing shifting through the multiverse perspective rather than the consciousness perspective. But I won't be getting into these terms as of now.

Since your desired reality feels the same as your current reality, is should be possible that you can have dreams while sleeping in your desired reality. So every time I've attempted to shift, they usually result in me having dreams or lucid dreams. But I'm going to focus more about the context within my dreams.

I've dreamed for years before I've ever heard about shifting. And I've noticed some changes in my dreams as I began my shifting journey. Just so you know, even though my dreams have gotten more detailed with each entry, I've never thought of expanding into lucid dreaming. This is because I've heard that lucid dreams could have a negative affect on you, like the quality of sleep you get. So I've never gotten too deep into lucid dreaming. 

Back to my dreams, they were always so short, but sometimes a lot of things may have happened between that time. And as I kept writing down my dreams, they became more longer, and more detailed. Sentences in my entries became paragraphs, and paragraph's resulted in chunks of stories. They've stayed that way on multiple occasions when I dreamt that night. And I'm confident to say that I've identified some peculiar patterns within my dreams.


By time, I mean how long my dreams last. It could be a few minutes or for several hours. It could also feel that way. And how much you dreamt each time is unpredictable in my experience. And through these experiences, my dreams never had any concept of time. Like something that would've taken hours in real life, would take seconds in a dream.


As for perspective, it's basically how you view the dream. In my dreams, my perspective changes. Sometime's I'll be looking through my own eyes, other time's I'll be looking through someone else's eyes, or I'll even see my dreams from a third person's perspective. And it always changes.


I'd be walking in the meadow full of a variety of flowers in the bright sun, only to find myself submerged beneath the waves in the dark night. These changes happen indefinitely either all in one single dream (sleep cycle) or during other nights when you sleep.

There is a constant change in your dreams falling in either one of these categories, and you'll only notice something is off once you've woken up. And if there was an occasion when you notice something off in your dream, that is usually when you become lucid, transitioning into what every should know as a lucid dream.

The three patterns of my dreams was a constant aspect that always happened and they usually have some sort of story going on. Like you just know what's happening. It's as if you took multiple stories of different genres and context and put them together, yet somehow in your dream, you think: "Yeah, this makes sense." (Unless you become lucid, or you wake up, of course)

I only noticed these patterns once I've read my more detailed dreams later in life. And when I started shifting, my experiences within my dreams began to change. Like all the patterns I had when dreaming slowly became less frequent. Like I've noticed I've started looking through a first-person perspective in my dreams as myself. Not to mention they became much more cohesive than they were before I started shifting.

A dream that I could think of that fits this criteria was when I had a dream focusing on Lucy Heartfilia who lost a battle even with her celestial spirit (that was not in the show) to gain money (similar to that arc from HunterxHunter) She got kidnapped by the winner and was thrown into a room full of people (I was one of them).

Then my dream switched back to my first-person perspective. I slept, then was woken up and told to change into a white dress, then I got out of the room and walked into the field full of other girls wearing white dresses. That was when the dream ended. That was like the most normal dream I've ever had compared to my previous dreams.

And this dream resulted from my attempt to shift.

Other abnormal things that happened was that I started waking up from a sleeping position after a shifting attempt (same first-person perspective with the lack of setting changes) Because in my previous dreams as well I usually just wake up in a standing position. Or that I just started to exist in that point of the dream.

Anyway, I really hope that this gives you some sort of insight

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