I'm A Survivor/Time To Dance

Start from the beginning

"Oh." I said giggling as Pete kissed my neck and tickled me.

"Now, I have you." Pete said as I turned around to face him. I placed my arms around his neck as he had his hands placed on my sides.

"Yes, you do." I replied leaning in for a long passionate kiss.

"So, are you ready for our date?" He asked with his head resting on mine.

"Are you kidding? I've been ready." I said.

"Then I believe you will need this." Pete said taking out a box from his pocket.

"Pete, what is it?" I asked surprised.

"Open it. You will see." He replied handing me the box.

"Pete?" I asked opening it. "Pete, you got me another one!" I said shocked at seeing that Pete got me another one of his necklaces. "Thank you so much!" I said nearly jumping into his arms.

He put it on me and kissed my neck. "Where we are going everyone will have one or be wearing a patch. It helps distinguish who our friends are. The club that we are going to, is full of people me, Brendon, and the rest of our gang has saved over the last few months." Pete whispered in my ear giving me goose bumps.

"Wow!" I said.

"It is owned by some good friends of ours who are hunters themselves as the gang here is. They make sure vampires don't get in and everyone has a safe, fun place to hang out." Pete said explaining about the club. "Don't worry, you will be protected. You will be safe there as long as you wear this. Plus, I will protect you." Pete said pulling me a little closer. I could feel my heart rate increase and I knew Pete could feel it and hear it.

"Well, I am sure it is almost dark, we better be getting." I said quickly pulling away from Pete. I didn't want to but I was getting hungry.

We walked outside. The sun was setting. Pete was alright to be out because it wasn't direct sunlight as the sky was a pretty shade of purple with a bit of orange in the clouds. It was the closest thing to daylight he could enjoy. I smiled at him and as he turned my way after watching the clouds I blushed as he saw me smile.

Pete and I ate at a nice but nothing fancy restaurant. Pete doesn't eat but he can eat food. Food doesn't hurt him, he just can't taste it. But he ate for me tonight so it didn't look awkward with me being the only one in our party eating.

After dinner we headed to the club he was going to take me to. Two guys were guarding the door but from the inside. They recognized that Pete was a vampire but then as we got closer, saw that it was Pete and greeted us.

"Hey, Pete what brings you here?" One of the guys asked.

"Hey, Allen, this is Amanda. I wanted to bring her here so she can have a fun time." Pete replied. "Amanda this is Allen and the other guy here is Charlie. They are the ones I was telling you about earlier and own this club. They are really good guys." He said.

"Hi, it is nice to meet you." The one named Charlie said shaking my hand.

"It's nice to see that you have a girl finally." Allen said laughing.

"Yeah, yeah. Can we come in?" Pete asked.

"Sure. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." Charlie said leading the way into the club as another guy came over and took his spot.

I took everything in. I saw where the two bars were located in case I got thirsty and saw the huge dance floor. The DJ was playing some sweet music. There was an upstairs which is where the second bar was located.

"Why don't you go out there and have fun. I need to talk to Charlie here for a minute. If you need me I will be upstairs here." Pete said kissing me and pointing upstairs.

"Ok?" I asked/replied.

I wondered what they had to talk about. Oh, well, I needed a break from things and this was it. I was not going to ruin having a good night tonight. I walked over to the DJ booth and danced.

I danced to about three songs when I looked up on the balcony to see what looked like Pete and Charlie getting into an argument. I was about to head upstairs when a woman about my age grabbed me.

"Excuse me?" I said breaking away from her and walking away; the nerve of her. What was her problem? But as I walked a little closer towards the middle she had followed me and grabbed me again. As I turned around to tell her off I saw she wasn't wearing a necklace and had a bite mark on her neck.

"She's here!" The woman yelled loudly scaring the DJ and stopping the music.

All at once I was grabbed by two guys who proceeded to push me up to the front of the floor where a side door was. I tried to fight my captors but was losing. I looked up to see a confused Pete get attacked from behind.

"Pete!" I screamed sending everyone into a panic.

Just then I was knocked onto the floor almost getting trampled on by the stampede of confused people who were scared. Every time I tried to get up I was knocked back down again so I decided to crawl as best as I could away but then the mass chaos hit.

Vampires had found their way in and a smoke bomb was set off leaving me dazed, confused a bit and coughing. Plus not to mention I was having trouble breathing and my eyes were burning from the smoke. I couldn't see and people were stepping or falling on me.

My lungs were burning from breathing in the smoke but I knew I had to call for Pete again. I just hoped he could find me. I didn't know how his senses worked in this kind of mess.

"Pete, help!" I said not as loudly and coughing now. I was getting dizzy and it felt that every breath I took was making it harder to breathe. The room was spinning and I was starting to black out.

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