I walk towards them.

"Hi Elijah." I utter softly, acknowledging his presence.

A look of surprise flashes across his features, before he covers it up and clears his throat, "Hi Ruth." He replies back in a similiar tone.

We look at each other, both of us not making a move to blink, let alone stop.

"I feel like I'm interrupting something."

We jump at the sound of Mr. McRae's voice, obviously me not being the only one to completely forget he was there.

"Mr. McRae! You scared me." I scold him, placing hand up to my heart.

He waves me off and looks towards Elijah, "Before you stumbled in here, me and this boy here were talking about you, actually." 

My eyes widen in shock, curiosity and a little bit of defense, "Really? What were you guys saying?"

"Yes really. I just said we were didn't I?" Mr. McRae jokes, making me giggle slightly which from the corner of my eye, I could be dreaming but I swear I see the tiniest of smiles reach Elijah's face. "We were talking about how annoying and stubborn you are." 

I raise an eyebrow in question, "Hmm, really?" I drag out, knowing it was a joke. 

"Yeah." He continues, pushing his glasses up as they were falling down slightly.

"Okay sure. No but seriously, what were you guys saying about me?" I fall into a serious tone, getting slightly insecure that they were saying something bad about me.

"We said nothing bad about you." Elijah's deep voice cut through my racing thoughts, making me snap my gaze to him.

how did he know?

I narrow my eyes at his big brown ones, he had prominent dark circles under his eyes today. He looked so tired.

i hope he was okay.

"Don't lie to her son. Ruth, I have not been a kind friend to you, I'm sorry that we talked shit about you." Mr. McRae pretends to be sincere, holding a hand to his chest.

this man really needs better things to do.

I shake my head, trying to keep the smile off my face. 

"No but actually what did you talk about?" I push.

My lips part as I watch Mr.McRae start to stand up from his chair, making his way into a book aisle.

"Mr.McRae." I groan, knowing full well he wasn't going to tell me anything.

"Sorry! Can't hear you." He pretends to block my voice out.

I roll my eyes, "Your going blind not death!" I shout, giggling quietly at my own joke.

i really needed to stop doing that.

I soon give up on Mr.McRae, and turn back to an amused Elijah, who had his arms crossed over his chest, making his arm muscles buldge. He was wearing a black t-shirt, with black jeans and black converse. 

It was only now that I could spot the fact he had tattoos, little ones scattered on both of his arms.

i will have to ask him about them.

A throat clears and I jerk my head back up to meet Elijah's eyes. He raises an eyebrow and I blush, knowing what he was insinuating.

i was blatantly checking him out. how embarrassing.

"All you have to do is ask Ruth." I could tell he was joking, but there depth behind his words.

My face grows even hotter, "Shut up." I try and defend myself, but I feel hopeless beneath his gaze right now.

He makes a zipper action with his mouth and pretends to toss away the key, "Whatever you want."


I try to stop myself from smiling, I really do, but I can't help but let a little one break out.

i'm smiling a whole lot today.

"Well, I'm going to go. Gotta a lot of stuff to catch up on." Elijah starts to walk past me but I suddenly remember what I wanted to do today.


He turns around and looks at me with a questioning look.

"I'm sorry." Is all I say.

His face softens at my words, "Ruth--"

"No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of lashed out like that at you. That wasn't fair so--I'm sorry." I finalize with an apologetic expression.

He shakes his head and smiles sotfly, "You don't have to be sorry, my intention was never meant to make you feel like I was pitying you. I really wasn't, I promise. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. So, I'm sorry." He returns the favour, even though he really shouldn't have to.

I just sigh and look down, "Please just say you forgive me so I feel like I didn't just force my stubborn self to apologize for nothing." 

Elijah chuckles deeply, "Still stubborn I see." He notes.

I don't say anything, because there's only one thing I can seem to think about.

i missed his laugh.


i've finally produced a chapter for you all, i'm so happy.

this one is so cute and ruthy has redeemed herself.

and what were Mr.McRae and Eli talking about? hmm

i love you all and thank you so much for the support<2


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